Who Do You Want To Save?

"I will take Aleksis to sleep..." Finland said after dinner. Lauriel cleared the table and Jean offered to wash the dishes. The two men nodded toward Finland simultaneously.

In the bedroom, Finland read a fairy tale to Aleksis from a book Lauriel brought and a moment later the little girl had fallen asleep. After making sure Aleksis slept soundly, Finland left her room and entered the living room. He found Lauriel and Jean having a serious conversation.

"What are you two talking about?" she asked curiously.

"I told Jean about the Alchemist community and some of the people in it. He just learned that some important people in Hollywood are part of the Alchemist clan," Lauriel said with a smile.

Jean nodded. "You won't believe this..."

He mentioned the name of a very famous actor who was often given the nickname 'highlander' by the media because his appearance remained young for decades. Finland covered her mouth in surprise.