Sweet SPOILER: don't open if you hate spoilers

This event will happen sometime in future. It's just too sweet, so I want to share it with you... hehehe.



The mother in question was not feeling well during her vacation on her private island. Her stomach had been cramped since morning and her husband panicked because the mother was pregnant, and he was afraid that something was happening with his wife's pregnancy. Fortunately, he himself was a doctor and could easily check her condition.

"Pfew... it's nothing, just regular cramps," he muttered in a relieved voice. "When you were pregnant with Aleksis, did you experience cramps or other complaints?"

Finland shook her head. "Not at all. Aleksis was a very good child while she was still in the womb, I was not bothered at all, no nausea, and I didn't even crave for anything. Everything was fine..."

"Oh... yes, your pregnancy is now 10 weeks in, yet you still don't crave for anything?" Caspar asked again, amazed.