Barbecue Invitation

The thought made Finland sad. She had to wait a few more years for Aldebar to wake up to get the immortality potion, and Jean still didn't know this fact. He would certainly notice and wonder why, five years from now, Finland was getting older.

She then tried to change the subject.

"You can come to our barbecue party tomorrow, right?" she asked her friends. Anne and Lucia nodded quickly. Jean seemed to think for a moment, which made Finland curious. She suspected that Jean already had another appointment. "Why? Do you have another appointment? Sorry, I should have told you about this earlier..."

"Uhm... yeah, I promised to invite Franka to dinner," said Jean in a rather apologetic voice, "I lost the bet... ugh."

"What bet?" Finland asked, interested.

"Franka Yoshizumi!??" Anne's eyes widened. She recognized the name of the famous Japanese-Swedish actress.