They call me fat

 Caspar and Finland agreed that the second week of March would be their last day of work, after which they would move to Germany and live peacefully while waiting for the birth of their second child.

Ruth seemed very surprised when Finland tendered her resignation. She didn't expect Finland to quit working so soon.

"You're only five months pregnant, right? Are you having problems with your pregnancy?" Ruth looked at Finland from top to bottom to check if something was wrong with her, "Hmm… you do look a bit big for only 5 months in..."

Finland almost spouted her tea when she heard Ruth bluntly called her fat. They were having lunch at the restaurant on the 30th floor and the place was very crowded. Naturally, many people immediately turned towards them.

"Uh... sorry, I made a mistake..." Ruth said quickly. "You're pregnant, so it's only natural that you gained weight..."