Aleksis and Her Savior (1)

The large motorbike stopped in front of the gate of a big mansion, and a moment later the gate opened automatically giving way to the motorbike to enter into the courtyard before the gate closed behind them.

 After the motorbike was properly parked, the driver removed the helmet covering his head and threw it to the ground. He then descended cautiously, still carrying the wounded girl on his lap.

 "Welcome, Master. Who is this?" asked a servant who came hurriedly to approach him.

 "I don't know, but her condition is very bad. I will treat her wounds." The motorbike driver was apparently a young man in his 20's. He had a long blond hair which framed his very handsome face that had perfect lines of symmetry. His pair of eyes were purplish-blue and looked very serious.

With long strides he entered the mansion while carrying Aleksis and headed for a large bedroom in the front part of the house.