I Know My Name!

Aleksis offered to wash their plates and utensils then cleaned the cabin. There was only one sleeping cabin in the ship and one kitchen. During her adventures on Uncle Rory's ship, Aleksis never slept in the cabin.

She really liked sleeping on a cushioned deck, because she was able to stare at billions of stars in the night sky. So, that night, she automatically brought a pillow from the cabin and placed it on the deck. She was ready to sleep while hugging her puppy.

"Thank you for the pillow," the young man smiled happily and immediately laid his head on the pillow Aleksis had placed on the deck. He closed his eyes and told Aleksis to take a rest, "You should also go to sleep, tomorrow morning we have many things to do."

"Eh... the pillow was meant for me..." Aleksis said in an awkward voice. She did not expect the young man to immediately use her pillow to sleep on the deck.

Wasn't he the owner of the ship? Shouldn't he sleep in the cabin?