Aleksis & Alaric

Half an hour later they were back in the lobby.

"Thank you for accompanying me to take my dog ​​for a walk," Aleksis said to him. She felt uneasy if she didn't say thank you at all, because she knew Alaric deliberately accompanied her to protect her. "I needed to calm down by getting some air."

"Hmm..." Alaric smiled and nodded. "Are you going to rest now? Then, I'll go home."

Aleksis would certainly choose not to rest if that meant that Alaric would not be going home.

"Er... wait a minute..." Aleksis ran to the elevator with Little Prince Siegfried. "I want to give you something..."

A few seconds later she returned and handed the dog to Alaric. "Please hold my dog ​​for a second. I'll be back in five minutes..."