Did he truly hate humans?

 When they returned to the dining room, Aleksis received a message from Terry asking for her whereabouts. Her brother had just finished his presentation in front of the national TV producers and he wanted to meet up with her to discuss what he discovered from Rhionen Industries' party last night.

 "Uhm ... I need to call my brother for a minute ..." Aleksis said to Alaric. She then headed to the garden to call Terry.

 Alaric appeared at a loss as he was watching her walk away. Her words stunned him. He inwardly became a bit jealous of her who seemed to have a very warm family. The girl even had two fathers and an older brother.

 On the other hand, here he was, he had no one.

 "Hi, Terry, I'm caught up on something... Would it be alright if we just meet tomorrow night when I take my dog ​​to your house?" Aleksis talked to Terry by phone. She wanted to spend time with her prince for as long as possible before she moved to her school dormitory.