Dinner in Sky Bar

"All right. I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon. We still have time to be together until tomorrow. Do you want to spend it with me or not?" Alaric asked her. He was secretly very happy to see that even though he had yet to leave, Aleksis was missing him already.

How could he be jealous upon hearing Aleksis had a lunch-date with a handsome student called Nicolae? He was not a childish kid born yesterday. He would not be easily provoked by unnecessary jealousy.

Aleksis' face lit up at Alaric's offer. Of course, she would rather spend time with her boyfriend than anyone in the world!

"Of course I want to!" Feeling extreme joy, Aleksis enthusiastically kissed Alaric and cupped his face using her both hands.

"I'm glad to hear that," Alaric smiled and glanced at his watch before clearing his throat, "It's already 7 o'clock. Do you want to have dinner first?"

Aleksis was surprised.