Nicolae's Suspicion (2)

Aleksis widened her eyes again at Nicolae's unexpected question. So what if her bodyguards were from the Rhionen Assassins? She would pretend not to understand.

"Yes … one of my boyfriends is so worried about my safety that he hired the best people to protect me ..." said Aleksis casually. "You worried so much about me yesterday that you risked your life to face them. What's the difference between you and him? Let's just say I'm lucky to be surrounded by good guys like you all ... hahaha ..."

Sascha and Carl hiccuped when they heard their young miss' words. But inwardly they were now also curious, who was that boyfriend of hers actually, so that he could hire the world's best assassins to be her bodyguards. They only knew that Aleksis called him Prince Siegfried.

Nicolae seemed to study Aleksis' face carefully, trying to digest her words just now.

"Do you know who the Rhionen Assassins are?" He asked in a very serious tone.