Terry's Mission

Marion glanced at her computer and nodded in satisfaction. Everything went according to plan, she thought.

"As I thought, the car was left in a random place. But now we know where they're going. I've got the address and we can easily observe the house with satellites. Do you want to go there now?" Marion asked, turning her head towards Endo and Lauriel.

"There's no need. Let's just wait and see whether they will look for Terry as you expect or not," Lauriel said.

"All right. When will you contact them to ask your demands?" Marion asked again.

"After they capture Terry."

Terry, who sat in the corner of the room, only pursed his lips. He really liked acting, but he had never had to act in real life, especially in front of real killers. He did not know whether he would succeed or not. 

Marion, who saw Terry's worried face, immediately patted the young man's shoulder and chuckled, "Don't be afraid, we won't let anything happen to you."