Happy Birthday!

October 1, 2049


Whenever Alaric really missed Aleksis, he would enter the Holodeck to reminiscent his time with the girl. Sometimes, he would play Go Game with Aleksis and repeatedly defeated her.

Another time, he made a fish tartare that looked pathetic, and the girl would mock his homemade food. Alaric wasn't talented in cooking. Sometimes, he would work on his bonsai plants while Aleksis sat sweetly watching him.

He had always loved sitting and reading a book on the marble stairs behind his house while Aleksis sat on his lap and Little Prince Siegfried slept lazily beside him. At other times, they would sail and look at the night sky together.

He didn't want to use the fantasy features in Holodeck because he didn't want to be trapped like the many others who used Holodeck to escape from reality. Like celebrity fans who fantasize about dating their idols, addicted to relationships that weren't real.