Extra Part: Lauriel & Luna (3)

"Alright, Mr. Medici ... you just lost a treasure chest there ...." Luna murmured softly. She pursed her lips and promptly walked back to her room with long strides.

"Where are you going?" asked her mother who passed by her in the hallway, "The party will start soon."

"I want to change clothes," she said quickly.

Half an hour later, she came out of her room wearing a beautiful long purple dress. Her beautiful hair was partly styled in a bun above her head, the rest was left to roll down her back. She walked with graceful and steady steps. Her beautiful face was almost glowing when she stepped into the hall.

The place suddenly turned silent. Every guest immediately noticed her presence. Lauriel's table was one of the quietest ones after the five men who were enjoying their wine turned to the entrance and laid eyes upon the most beautiful girl they had ever seen.