For an hour, London could only pace in his place while waiting for news from Carl. He was really worried thinking about how L was doing. As long as he hadn't gotten information from Carl, he wouldn't be able to sleep.
At midnight, his cellphone rang, and Carl's awaited voice could be heard.
"How is she?" London quickly asked.
Carl gave his report briefly, and London's heart almost stopped. He didn't think that it actually happened.
"Thank you, Carl. I'll see her soon." His eyes fell on his watch, and he realized that it was almost midnight. He couldn't possibly come at this hour, else it'll interrupt L's rest. "Please send someone to look after her there. I'll come early tomorrow morning."
"Yes, Sir."
London hung up and pondered for a long time.
He couldn't sleep at all that night and could only sit in his office drinking wine.