I Don't Want To Meet Your Family

London patted his chest and put his belongings in his room. After bathing, he rushed to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Although he didn't particularly like cooking, London could do it if he had to. This was because since he was little, he had watched his father, who loved working in the kitchen, prepare delicious food for their family.

This seemed to be a useful skill when he was in the situation he was in right now.

"Dinner's ready, let's go to the dining room," he said as he knocked on L's bedroom door.

L emerged from behind the door and nodded. She followed London into the dining room, and they ate quietly.

"I've finished the list of things I like and things I hate," L told him after she finished her meal. She took a piece of paper from her pocket and handed it to London.

The young man nodded and examined the contents of the paper from L. Hmm... there were five things she liked and two she hated.