Finland & L

After the song ended, L lifted her face and watched London, who was still standing transfixed behind her.

"Do you like it?" she asked in a shy voice. "I'm bored, so I write a lot of songs. It's not good to just stay at home, without being able to go anywhere."

London was moved. He understood L. The girl must be feeling trapped inside the house without being able to go anywhere because of her pregnancy. Apart from the stress caused by her unwanted pregnancy, she also worried about her reputation as a newcomer artist that was at stake if anyone recognized her out there. She was worried about the stigma of being pregnant out of wedlock at such a young age.

London felt guilty when he thought about it. L wouldn't suffer this fate if it wasn't for him. Although L repeatedly said that London was innocent and this was entirely Stephan's evil deeds, still, as a good man, his conscience was nudged. Only three and a half months to go, and it will all be over.