
Suddenly someone knocked on their apartment door. L slammed the small camera in her hand and immediately opened the door. London was shocked when he saw Danny for the first time.

The young man looked very handsome, far more good looking than the faint image in a hidden camera video he saw on Jan's tablet last night.

Danny Swan looked neat with expensive outfits from head to toe. His face was handsome and serious. When he appeared in the doorway, his expression looked worried.

"Marianne, are you all right?" he asked L and quickly hugged her. The girl shook her head and broke away from him.

"Please take me away from here," L said in a tired voice. Her tears have dried, and she didn't want to cry anymore.

"Marianne?" London was surprised to hear that name. He did not understand why Danny called L by another name. Was this some kind of role-play between lovers where they pretend to be someone else?