The Happy Family

After he saw his family leave, London looked at L intently. "You've never told me a single word of praises. I also don't know if you do love me, so it's only natural that I'm feeling insecure and jealous. I am worried you'll like my brother... or another man.

You haven't met my relatives and my family friends. There's Nicolae; he is super handsome and smart. There's also Uncle Lauriel who's impressive and he is the leader of the Wolf Pack. Even my brother-in-law's foster sons are awesome too. There are so many good looking men out there, I'm afraid to introduce you to them all..."

L stared at London with a look of disbelief. "Jeez... Are you serious? Are you that jealous? I've never even been close to a man other than you. I'm only 19 years old and I've never even had a boyfriend. You're the only man in my life right now."