The Sad Girl

After Marie's tears subsided, Nicolae then asked cautiously, "What can I do for you? Is there a friend I can contact to come and help you?"

Marie could only shake her head.

"What about Sanna?" Nicolae asked again.

Marie still shook her head. "Sanna is abroad with her new boyfriend. They met two months ago and now the two have decided to get to know each other better by traveling together."

"I see, hmm..." Nicolae had no idea that the girl who went on the blind date with him months ago had found a boyfriend, and in difficult times like this Sanna was not beside Marie as her best friend. "What about your other friends? Or family members? Is there someone I can call for you?"

Marie just shook her head. Her voice sounded very sad when she said, "I don't have anyone else. I don't want to bother you further. Thank you for your help all this time. You had made my mother happy before she died. I will forever be indebted to you."