I'm Your Husband

Marie still didn't budge. She narrowed her eyes and looked at Nicolae intently. "Who are you to order me around?"

Nicolae sighed and shook his head. He already knew that Marie was drunk now, and this was a sure sign that they had to go home. He raised his hand to sign the waiter that they had finished drinking and now wanted their bill.

Quickly, the waiter came to bring their bill. Nicolae paid in cash and left a few hundred dollars as a tip. He only nodded when the waiter thanked him and bowed many times for being given such a big tip.

"Can you walk?" Nicolae asked Marie.

"I don't want to go home ..." the girl whined.

"It's time to go home. It's very late now, and you drank too much," Nicolae said. Marie insisted on latching on her seat.

"I don't want to go home ..."

"You must go home," Nicolae, whose well of patience was as deep as the ocean, was still trying to coax Marie.