Jan's Plan

"This is good for Ms. L's popularity, so I guess she will just let this rumor spread," Jan commented. "Kitaro and Rainfall are the most famous artists in the world today. You could say that anyone who is rumored to be with him will become very famous."

"Isn't L already very famous now? She doesn't need to ride on other people's coattail..." grumbles London.

"Uhmm ... not yet. Miss L is quite famous now, but only in Europe. The journey is still a long way off if she wants to be known throughout the world."

At first, London wanted Jan to stop all the gossip that linked L and Kitaro because he couldn't stand seeing them together in news.

But if it is true that such gossips actually helped the girl's career .. he had no choice but to let it go. He must not be selfish and hinder L's career just because he was jealous.

Besides, L didn't like Kitaro. At least that's what she once said. They were only close because their mothers were both Japanese.