Tonight... It All Ends Here

At six in the afternoon, Danny Swann suddenly received a phone call from the assassin he was hiring. He hurriedly picked up his cellphone and asked, "What's wrong? Why are you calling now? Didn't I pay according to your request?"

The voice on the other end was laughing and then answered curtly.

"The target has been eliminated."

Danny was very surprised. He did not expect the assignment he gave to the hitman group could be accomplished very quickly. He thought they would need at least a few days to make good plans and kill L and her baby.

He frowned, trying to digest the words he heard on the other end of the phone.

"You guys are serious, Marianne is dead? Her child, too?" he asked, trying to be sure.

"Yes," said the voice on the other end of the phone. "It's time for you to pay the rest of the fee. We will wait for an hour. Otherwise, we will send all the evidence to the police... that you are the one killed the girl."