The Adorable Twins

Nicolae was stunned and did not know what to think. His mind suddenly felt empty. When she saw his brother walking while carrying one of his babies, who was now big enough to chatter and happily patted his cheek, Nicolae hurriedly gave Alaric a signal to come to him.

"The party is lively, isn't it?" Alaric said. His face looked very bright, he clearly enjoyed his role as a father to the two little babies.

"Yes, it is..." commented Nicolae. He elbowed Alaric and tilted his chin toward Lauriel, who was standing in the corner with Rosalien. Both of them looked like party decorations that were standing still, looking at people dancing with the same cold expression.

"Have you seen father?" Nicolae asked.

Alaric followed his brother's gaze and stared straight at Lauriel and Rosalien. He could only shrug. He already suspected his father's closeness with Rosalien since he saw the red woven wristband his father had worn during their year-end holiday on F Island.