Dance At The Wedding

"Good day, Everyone ..." Billie Yves appeared on stage with graceful steps. The girl still looked as pretty as she was during her superstardom days in the music industry. However, her appearance had changed, and now she looked more elegant and motherly.

"Aaahh ... !!!"

Finland was surprised to hear L's scream beside her. She turned her head and found that her daughter-in-law was crying and screaming emotionally because she could finally see her idol perform right before her, giving a special show at her own wedding.

Finland knew from London that L also really liked Billie Yves, and she immediately understood the girl. Both seemed to focus on the stage and listen to Billie sing.

"I am delighted to be at this party and sing some of my favorite songs. This is for all of you," Billie said, raising her right hand in the air. She then sang two songs in a row. All guests seemed hypnotized to hear her singing.