Dinner With Mischa

Vega was so happy when she heard Mischa saying that she was a good girl and ruffled her hair. She then continued eating her meal with a smile and made Mischa frown.

He did not know why the teenager in front of him was acting so strangely.

Again he became suspicious that Vega had a crush on him.

Gosh ...

He could not understand what she was seeing from him. Although Mischa's age seemed to have stopped in his 30s, he was still twice her age.

Why couldn't Vega see him like an uncle?

"Actually, my brothers and I don't mind if you and the others visit our house often and still consider our father as your father," Vega said after thinking for a while. "I don't want to monopolize my father, really. I now understand you must feel jealous after he returned to our mother and us, his biological children."