We Will Never Give Up (The End)

"Nic ..." Marie whispered in a hoarse voice. Tears rolled down her cheeks slowly as she framed Nicolae's face with both hands and looked into his eyes deeply. "Don't feel guilty if we continue living... We will continue to look for Vega. We will not stop trying .. But please ... we must not become devastated and immersed in grief without trying to live. We still have to eat .. we still have to sleep ... We must move on ... So that we have the energy to continue looking for her..."

Nicolae nodded slowly. He understood what Marie wanted to say. The girl meant to say that they had to keep living well while looking for Vega because life would go on. Humans needed food and rest to keep them alive ... 

But that's not all, humans also needed love.

It was love that made humans different from animals and plants. Love was a need that was just as important for humans as food and rest. If they neglected it, even though their bodies were alive, their souls would slowly die.