Moving In With Rose

"Hm .. okay, you're right. "Finally, Rune relented. "Please keep the watch until I need it later. "

The young man then took all price tags off from the clothes he just bought. After Rune was satisfied, he folded all of them neatly on the table. Finally, it really was time to pack. He took them to his room and put them in his backpack.

In addition to clothes, he also brought some other personal items he needed during his stay with Rose.

"Do you use your real name with Rose?" Asked Alexis when she saw her brother come out of his room and get ready to leave for Grand Central station.

Rune nodded. "Yes. We are not the only Schneider in the world. I am not famous like London, and we also don't look alike. I don't think Rose would connect me with someone from the Schneider family."

"All right then, "said Alexis." So, are you leaving now?"

Rune nodded again. "She was waiting for me at the Grand Central station.