The Simple Dinner (2)

"What happened to you?" asked Rose, amazed to see Rune hitting his forehead with the spatula. The young man just shook his head and tried to hide his smile. 

His face turned red at the thought of kissing Rose.

Ahh .. Rune, you can be perverted too, thought Rune to himself. He turned his attention away from Rose and marinated the steak for grilling in the pan.

He waited for Rose to finish peeling the potatoes and boil them while preparing the steak sauce and other coleslaw salad ingredients. After the dressing ingredients were completed and the salad was finished, he then grilled two organic steaks in the pan and prepared their dinner.

"I purposely cook steak for dinner, since it is so easy," said Rune. He put the steak on two plates and then added the coleslaw salad and sauce.

Rose only watched the man who claimed he couldn't cook arranging the dishes on their plates, with a look of admiration.