Rose Of Medion (2)

This morning, it was really sunny, and Rose woke up very early. The school would start at 9 am, but she decided to take a walk first and explore her surroundings.

As usual, she wore a man's shirt with pants and tied her long hair carelessly with a string. Rose looked like a young man. Her slender body climbed down the tree from her bedroom window and landed on the ground.

Ahh... this place was beautiful! It was located in the countryside and close to several scenic villages.

Rose walked around and checked the stable. There, she found beautiful horses of excellent quality. She immediately remembered Julian, her beloved horse that she had gifted to Leon.

She could imagine, every day, Leon must be riding Julian for a walk to the hills of Medion to get rid of his loneliness. Uff.. she missed them both already so badly.