Leon's Apologies

"Rose... please, forgive me. I was such a fool and I didn't know what's good for me," Leon pleaded with Rose. His voice was hoarse and he couldn't help it when tears started falling from the corners of his eyes. The man looked so miserable. "I was too insecure and I kept chasing acknowledgment from my father..."

Rose was frozen in her spot. She never expected that Leon would come to see her at the airport like this... and begged for forgiveness. 

She had wanted this to happen for a long time, and after two years, she thought it would never happen.

"Rose..."  Rune got out of the car and touched Rose's arm. He looked at her dotingly and asked, "Are you okay? Do you want to talk to him?" 

Please say no, he wished internally.

As a gentleman, Rune would offer the woman a chance to settle her problem with her ex-boyfriend, but as a man in love, he would wish that she didn't give her ex a time of day.