A Fool To Fall Into A Lion's Den

Li Wei then asked for the directions and got to know that the room was in the second floor. Not allowing Wu Yanchen to find his motive, he looked sideways for a place to hide. To his right he found a room which was open and it was pitch black which meant that no one was inside.

The room was just 15 to 20 steps away. "Thanks for your help." He said.

He took a turn to his right and headed to the room. He turned behind just to make sure he was there or no, but he found no one. So immediately he entered inside the room and closed the door halfway.

Meanwhile, Wu Yanchen hadn't realized that Li Wei was watching him. So just like that he was following him. But when he entered the hospital; he couldn't find him anywhere. He passed through the room where Li Wei had hidden himself and went ahead and took the lift.

Li Wei had kept the door halfway open. From there he saw Wu Yanchen go and take the lift. He sighed and said "Phew!! That was close. Good that I didn't take the lift." He then came out of the room and again looked sideways and took the stairs. "The stairs won't be a bad idea..."

Wu Yanchen knew which floor Xu Zhuya's room was in, so he headed towards there. He pressed the 2nd floor button. "Maybe it wasn't him. It was just a hallucination." He spoke to himself.

The lift made a sound *DING* and he saw the doors of the lift open.

He got out of the lift and headed to Xu Zhuya's room. Last time when he had called her she said she has a patient whom she want to say goodbye. So, when he entered her room, it was still empty. He sat on her chair and said "Her goodbyes are always long."

He just sat there waiting for his cute little wife. He laid his head down on the table and closed his eyes.

Through the stairs Li Wei reached the second floor and after taking a few turns, he reached room no.11. Since he was a little far away from the door he clearly couldn't hear what was being said.

He took a step closer to the door and heard the conversation. He heard Xu Zhuya say "I'll be your Mommy. Just let me be."

When he heard this, he felt so happy that he imagined himself being on cloud nine. His worried face turned into a cheerful one and he looked like the Li Wei who had married his first love. His face was so cheerful and bright.

Instantly he opened the door and said "Yes... you can be his Mommy. I'll let you be."

Xu Zhuya who saw that Li Wei was standing in front of her, didn't know what to do. She wanted her child back, but she didn't wanted to leave Wu Yanchen and her happy life behind. She had had enough of this. She wanted things to end quickly.

She got up from her seat ignoring what he had said and cleaned her clothes. She hugged Wu Lang, kissed him on his forehead and said "Goodbye now!! Aunty will meet you tomorrow. Take care of yourself and behave well."

How sarcastic that was, calling herself aunty. She had wished that things would have been the other way around. Like him calling her mommy and she would also say the same.

As she was walking past Li Wei to the door, Li Wei blocked her path and asked with a frown "Calling yourself aunty when you are his mother, huh?? What's wrong with you Xu Zhuya?? How stonehearted can you be??" He shook her by her shoulders when he got no response from her.

Xu Zhuya threw his hands away from her shoulders and yelled "Don't you dare touch me!! Never ever... I hate your touch!! YOU DISGUST ME, LI WEI !!"

This was enough. She no longer had to endure it all because her son was alright. He was fine and there was nothing for her to worry about now.

So, she took a step away from him and turned herself towards the door.

Just as she was stepping out, she heard Wu Lang scream.

"AHH!! Daddy!! You are hurting me."

She immediately turned back and became shocked at what she saw. She felt her mind go crazy with the thoughts which were occurring in her mind 'How could he do this? Did he knew it all along? Did he just pretended it? Was my son not okay for all these years? How could he just do it? How could he be like this?'

She came back to her senses when she heard the sound of Wu Lang crying.

What she had seen was indescribable. She hadn't imagined it in her life that this person, whom she had trusted or believed back then could fall so low that... that he could even point a knife at the child whom he had been taking care for six long years.

Wu Yanchen who was resting in Xu Zhuya's room was startled by the scream he heard. At first, when he heard the scream, he ignored it thinking it as some sort of play. But after a few more seconds when he heard one more scream and then cries, he immediately got up from the chair.

He came out of the room and saw nothing. He didn't know why he was having these misguided thoughts 'Is Li Wei really here? Is he hurting Xu Zhuya? It wasn't her screaming but, could it be that something happened to her? Or she is in trouble?' He shook his head and removed those thoughts.

Standing at the entrance of the door, he searched for his phone in his pocket. He was so worried that his hands started to tremble. With those trembling hands he took out his phone. His hands were quivering so badly that before he could hold the phone properly in his hand, the phone fell on the tiled floor.


He cursed at himself and ran his fingers through his hair. He went inside the room and took the jug of water which was on the table and drank it. He didn't even pour the water into the glass, he just drank it from the jug.

After drinking the water, he felt a little calm and relaxed. So he went near the entrance of the door and picked up his fallen phone. Surely, the phone was broken and wasn't of use anymore.

He started walking to the place where his mind was taking him to. He just wanted to know that Xu Zhuya was safe and nothing happened in the hospital.

He was walking and walking, but he didn't find anything out of place. No one was outside the room nor there was any sound of people quarrelling. Even the doors were closed.

But something felt different for him after he reached room no.11. All the rooms were closed but there was one room which was open. 'Why is room no. 11 open?'

He questioned himself and approached a little closer to take a look on what was going on. He heard a few noises coming from the inside.

So he stood a little more close to the room and looked at it. He couldn't see much, just he saw that a man was turned around and was looking at the window. A little boy was fallen on the floor and a woman was consoling him.

He couldn't even see who the woman was, because she had her back facing him. He felt something familiar when he looked at the back of the woman.

Suddenly something flashed his mind and he looked closely at the clothes. It was the same clothes which Xu Zhuya had worn in the morning. Just as he realized it that it was Xu Zhuya, he looked at the person who turned himself back and was shocked to see that it was Li Wei.

'So it wasn't any hallucination, he really is here. Hah!! You really are a fool, Li Wei. A fool to fall into a lion's den.' Wu Yanchen smirked while thinking.