Memory Broken Into Pieces

Instead of finding Xu Zhuya's location, Wu Fan got to know about another person being trapped by Li Wei. His people told him that Li Wei had captured someone named Liu Xenguang.

He immediately knew who it was, because back then his brother, Wu Yanchen had told him to investigate about Yan Rong and so they found a connection between these two, that is, they were married.

The location was easy to locate because he was trapped in Li Wei's house, in the basement.

The entrance was from Li Wei's master bedroom. A small tile just two steps in front of the closet could be lifted and removed. It worked as a perfect place to hide.

When you tap on that tile, you could hear a hollow sound, as if underneath of it is empty. And as soon as you would open it, you will see stairs which would lead you directly to the basement and you will see two men guarding an unconscious man.

And just like that, on one fine day, Wu Fan and his men went inside Li Wei's house and entered his bedroom. They removed the tile and entered the basement. As usual two men were guarding an unconscious man. The fought them and bought the unconscious man back.

And this was how Liu Xenguang was freed from Li Wei's house.

After knowing that Li Wei had hidden Liu Xenguang in his own house, that too in his basement made Wu Yanchen realize that he was no less than a cunning person.


"Don't speak rubbish! I'm fine now. And besides it ain't your fault. It's that Li Wei's fault." Liu Xenguang said as he saw that Yan Rong was feeling guilty.

Liu Xenguang looked at her hospital gown and asked "Forget about that... Why are you in a hospital gown and moreover, how you got this wound on your forehead?" He pointed at the bruise on her forehead and stretched his hand to touch it.

"No! Don't touch it. It still hurts." Yan Rong caught his hand that was gonna touch her forehead and kept holding it.

She brought it near to her chest and said in a low voice "I'm getting punished for the crimes I have committed."

"Don't say like that. What my wife did wasn't a crime because she tried to save her husband who was in danger." Liu Xenguang started calming her down.

"You are the one and only woman whom I love the most and so, you shouldn't say words like that anymore. I trust on my wife completely and therefore, I know that what she always does is a good thing." After completing his sentence, he lifted her face up by holding her chin and kissed on her soft and fluffiest pink lips.


Wu Yanchen opened the door of his Mercedes and entered it. Just as he put on his seatbelt, he received a call, It was from his brother. He picked it up.

"Hey bro!" Just like most of the times, Wu Fan was the first one to speak. He spoke in an excited tone.

"Is the work done?" Ignoring the hey-hello talks of his brother, Wu Yanchen got to the point.

Hearing his brother speak in a dull mood, made Wu Fan feel bored and he replied back with a dull voice "Yeah.. He entered inside the room. Everything good."


Hearing a stiff reply from his brother, Wu Fan began to get annoyed. He was already a fifty percent annoyed but, now that his brother annoyed him again, he had reached his full limit, that was, his hundred percent.

"Ok." He too gave a small reply as he controlled his annoyance after all his brother was going through so much.


Exactly after two hours, Li Wei entered inside the room. He had left both Xu Zhuya and Wu Lang alone to spend their time together. But to his surprise he saw that the two of them were peacefully sleeping.

Wu Lang slept on Xu Zhuya's lap whereas Xu Zhuya rested her body on the wall. They both looked like a perfect mother and son duo.

He stood in front of them and watched them sleeping. He squatted in front of them and slowly touched Xu Zhuya's soft cheeks.

Tears formed at the corner of Li Wei's eyes as he said "There was a beautiful time like this, when me and you used to sleep on one another. However, I feel that, that time became a past and this one the present. I wish I could have gone back to those days, when we were together, or if time would have just stopped back then, then maybe I would have cherished it all.

Time flew so fast that I never cherished the moments which we had been together. It feels like a memory which is fading away and it is something which I never want it to fade away. In fact, the time which I had spent with you is now just another memory which will soon fade away.

It feels like my memory is broken into pieces just like a jigsaw puzzle. I'm searching and searching for the missing pieces, but it feels that I can't get them.

The days after you left me, the years which I waited just to see you sleeping peacefully in front of me once again, all this makes my memory fade away. I feel that they break my memory into a puzzle and I try to solve it everyday but I can't.

I feel my love for you is drowning me into a pit which has no end and is going deeper and deeper just like an abyss.

If only, I could have not allowed you to go back then, then maybe we would have spent a family time together, just like how you spend it with Wu Yanchen.

But now, I won't be drowning inside the pit but I'll dive up and reach to you. I'll solve the puzzle and not allow my memory to fade away. I'll cherish all the time which I have and I will be spending with you in the future.

And I'll always keep on loving you... No matter what! I will love you, Xu Zhuya!"

He closely looked at her sleeping face. She was beautiful, just like how she was before. Even after these many years, her beauty hadn't fallen apart.

He pushed her hair which were falling on her face behind her ear and looked closely at her small oval face. He caressed her pink soft lips with his thumb and kissed her. As soon as he kissed her, he felt himself complete. He felt a fire ignite deep inside his heart, a fire which never was ignited till these many years.

He felt that this moment should stop forever.