Chapter 1- First class

A smartly dressed woman, probably at mid twenties, went inside the room. "Okay students, please settle down." I am Ms. Karen Keter and I will be your home room teacher" she said while sizing up the class. She started looking for those students that may cause headaches in the long run and made eye contact with Simon. Simon, then, glared at her without breaking eye contact and caused her to avert her eyes instinctively. "Ah, found a troublesome one" she thought. Simon made a clicking noise with his tongue in annoyance. Ms. Karen then saw Peter sitting behind Simon. "Ah! A model student is here aswell." she thought with a sigh of relief.

"Alright everyone, I will be your psychology teacher. Please refer to me as Ms. Karen within the school premisses." Ms. Karen said with a dominating voice as the students listened to her. "I don't want to hear any issues from this class in the future, so please, let's all be proffesionals here. Since it is the first day, I will be orienting the rules and regulation of the school. Rule number one,...."

Ms. Karen started enumerating the rules of the school. Simon, who is sitting beside the window mumbled, "hah, I could'nt care less about the rules of this place". "Haha, thats not a good way of thinking, Simon." Peter said. Simon was surprised, "What do you want....Peter. Right?" he said. "Yep, thats me." peter said with a smile. "You seem to be a favourite. She had a relaxed face when she saw you. You are probably a good student" Simon said. Peter looked at Ms. karen and then looked back at Simon."Oh yeah, I have ben an honor student here since I entered. You're a transfer so I'm not surprised that you dont know. " Peter said. "How did you know that I was a transfer?" Simon asked. Peter smiled, "Just a guess haha" he said.

"And those are all the rules that you need to follow." Ms. karen concluded her orientation. "Are there any questions?" she asked. Simon raised his hand. "Yes?", Ms. Karen asked. Simon, with a dead serious face said, "Can we go home now?". The whole class started giggiling. Ms. Karen was surprised, "U-umm sure...?". Simon grabbed his bag and went straight to the door. Ms. karen, still dumbfounded came back to her senses. "Ah! Hey! I haven't distributed the club application form!" she shouted. Peter went up to Ms. Karen and said, "Don't worry Ms. Keter, please give me an extra application and I will give it to Simon." Peter said with a smile. "Thank you Peter! I knew I could count on you." Ms. karen said as she gave the application forms to Peter. Peter then followed Simon out of the Classroom. "Allright! Once you got a copy please go straight home. Class dismissed." Ms. Karen said as she walked through the door.