Chapter 5 - Brawl

The rest of the classes were rather uneventful. No one bothered to talk to Simon and that is just the way he likes it. There some occasional glances from his classmates but none approached him which Simon did not have a problem of.

A few hours have past and it is almost Simon's awaited moment.

"5...4...3... 2...1" he counted mentally. And right on cue, the bell rang. "Finally" he muttered as the History teacher said his goodbye. His classmates who, unsurprisingly, were also waiting for the class to end were ecstatic as they grabbed their bags and headed for the exit. Once again, the halls were crowded and Simon had to wait for them to disperse. He felt extremely drained and tired even though he was sitting the majority of the day.

Finally, he was able to get out the room. He shuffled through people with finesse, proving that he has been an expert of avoiding people for a long time. "Just a little bit more." Simon though as he can finally see the exit sign at the end of the hallway.

However, just as the exit was almost within reach, Peter appeared in front of him. "Hey!" Peter exclaimed with a big smile on his face. "Ugh, you again?" Simon replied. "Are you following me? What do you want." He added. Peter walked by his side, making sure Simon don't get too ahead of him. "Oh no, just a coincidence." Peter said. "So, have you chosen a club that you want to join?" He added as he got close to Simon who intern ignored him.

"I'll take that as a no then" Peter said with a smile. "Yeah yeah now go away." Simon replied as he headed for the exit a bit faster. As they exit the building, Peter blocked Simon's way which pissed him off. "You can join the journalism club. We really need an extra hand" Peter said with a grin. Simon, who was extremely fed up at this point, frowned and said "If that will make you go away, then fine."

Peter, who was clearly satisfied, replied "Great! I look forward to that. You can submit your club application to ms. Keter tomorrow." And with a wave goodbye, he left Simon.

"Finally" Simon thought as he continued his way out of the campus.




"Are you shitting me?" Simon said as he reached the bus stop with no busses to be found. "Fuck, that Peter guy stalled me for so long." He thought. With no other choice but to wait, Simon checked the bulletin board for the shedule of the next bus. As he was deeply immersed into looking at the schedule, he was unable to realize the footsteps that was coming closer. And when he finally realized it, he was pinned against the bulletin board.

"What the fuck?!" He blurted as he looked behind him. The guy pinning him down grabbed his collar and easily turned his whole body around. "Did you really think you can go about your day after humiliated me?!" Brian shouted as he slammed Simon's back at the bulletin board. Simon coughed because of the impact. His friends cheered for him to continue. "Haha Fuck him up!" they said.

"Hah. Was your pride hurt?" Simon replied mockingly with a smile. Brian became even more furious at Simon. He winded his right arm, attemping to hit Simon in the face. However, Simon was able to kick Brian at the torso and managed to free himself from being held against the board. Brian grunted as he recovered from the blow. "I'll fucking kill you." he said as he glared at Simon. "Try me bitch" Simon replied. With a big step forward, Brian threw a left straight at Simon. Although being able to see the punch as well as knowing where it will hit, Simon's body just wasn't quick enough to coordinate what he was thinking. And inevitably, Brian's fist hit Simon's cheek which he felt throughout his body. Simon's body turned due to the force of the punch. Brian followed up by tackling Simon and slamming him to the ground. "Is that it, bitch?" Simon said as he glared at Brian while blood slowly dripped from his head. Enraged, Brian grabbed Simon's neck and started choking him. Simon quickly gasped for air. "HAHAHA whose the bitch now huh?!" Brian said with a grin on his face. "Thats it Brian! Knock him out!" the spectators said. Simon's pupils began to move ecstatically as he was about to lose consciousness. He began frothing from his mouth as Brian and his freinds laughed.

However, just when Brian thought that Simon was unconscious, he began to slightly loosen his grip. And as soon he did, Simon's pupil snapped back in place and glared at Brian. Brian flinched as he felt a sharp pain in his fingers. He instinctively realeased Simon only to find what the cause of the pain was.

Simon bit off a portion of the skin in Brian's thumb and middle finger. "What the fuck?!" Brian blurted as he held his fingers due to the pain. Simon slowly sat up and spat out Brian's skin. "Is... that it..... you bitch?" Simon said with a grin on his face as blood continued to drip from his head.