Yesterday night was fun, top dignitaries came for the welcome party organized for Faith, the party ended 11:35pm for the olds and the youngs were still partying till 4:30am the next day. After the party all night he guests went to their various destination and that was when Faith and was able to sleep. Mrs Oluwemimo had left the party 11:45pm, no one would believe Faith wasn't her daughter, with the manner the party was organized.

Faith woke up around 10:40am, she stood up, went to the bathroom to clean up before going down to the living room. Getting to the living room, Mrs Oluwemimo was resting on a sofa.

Mrs WK: hey, good morning dear ( calling Faith attention to where she was )

Faith: mummy good morning thanks for yesterday. ( she has not fully regain her strength, she moved closer to Mrs Oluwemimo and hugged her)

Mrs WK: don't mention, I have been waiting for to to wake up so we can eat.( they both moved to the dining to eat. Breakfast had already turned lunch)

After the meal Faith and Mrs Oluwemimo started discussing. And suddenly Faith jack up and said

Faith: Oh mummy there is something I will like to show you ( she rush upstairs into her room and can down with some papers . Mrs WK was curious to know whats inside the paper(A4).

Faith: mum I want to be the first and youngest female president of Nigeria( she said with ego)

Mrs WK: you jocking right, I Know you, you don't like politics ( she said laughing uncontrollable)

Faith: am not jocking, I mean my words, I want to participate in making Nigeria work ( she said with a serious look and stretch her hand to give Mrs WK the papers) this are my plans my manifestos check it.

Mrs WK: you look serious, hmm. But young lady I believe you can be a president but it may not be the first female, you know I told you I have a surprise for you, the surprise is. The woman before you is the presidential candidate of AHP party. And I believe I will win the race.

Faith: wow! It's really a surprise. That means I can't be the first female president but I can be the youngest president, so mam can you do me a favour by reading through my plans maybe you can use some of them.

Mrs WK: I will do just that. And you know what I will give you an appointment when I win, so that you can start your political career too. Love you daughter

Faith: yes! I know you will help my career. Love you mum.



John came in with , Mrs WK had a call.

John : ma you have a call from chief Williams.

Mrs WK: Chief Williams of SLT party again. ( She collected the phone from John)

Faith couldn't help but stare at John the beautiful girl has fallen in love. John is a handsome and gentle looking guy that most girls will easily crush on. You wouldn't know his a security man if you aren't told. Faith couldn't help, she wanted to hear that voice that can stop the earth from beating again.

Faith: hi ( facing John)

John: hello ma

Faith: my name is Faith and not ma, anyway you look good in your suit. I believe only married men or guys who has a lady in their life can look as good as this. Tell which category do you fall.

John: I live here and I don't have a wife with me and my profession doesn't allow me have time for a relationship neither ( John replied, trying not to ignore her question.)

Faith: wow!

John pressed the button on the Bluetooth headphones.

John: right away ( talking to someone from the earpiece) I have to go ma( she said to Faith)

Faith couldn't help but stare at him as he walked out of the living room.

Mrs Oluwemimo had finished receiving call she look as Faith stare at John lustfully.

Mrs WK: hello young lady( she said so as to call he attention back)

Faith: maaaa

Mrs WK: I sense you really love this guy Faith, but you have to be careful do as not to present yourself cheap to him .

Faith: ok ma

Mrs WK: The man I just talked to is Mr Williams from the opposition party, that is the man our President who is spending almost eight years in power without doing anything good nominated to be his successor. You know we are two major party on top. My party(AHP) and his party (SLT), this man has always been calling me trying to persuade me to drop the race, because I am gaining more strength that he's doing.

Faith: don't tell me you want to drop from the race.

Mrs WK: never I am not in the race for my personal interest, I am doing this for my country. I want a better Nigeria I can be proud of.

Faith: I am with you ma, anything it will take for you to win the election ( she said assuring Mrs WK)

They both smilled.

.......... .........

Crushing on a guard

Faith was in her room recalling her conversation with John. She would picture John in her mind and smile, sometimes she would say wow! And sometimes she wouldn't know when the word I love him would come out of her mouth. She's alone so she doesn't regret the words coming out of her mouth.

She remembered John told her, he doesn't have a girl in her life, this made her feel more excited.

Faith had ignored alot of fine rich guys when she was in America, she could have gotten married to a white guy, but she hasn't fallen in love with any of them. For Faith to fall in love with John at first sight, she would do anything to get John.

Faith stood from her bed applied her make up like she was going out and walked to the meeting room( the meeting room is a room in Mrs WK's house where she usually have official meeting when she's at home.

At the door Faith saw John and other security .

Faith: hi John , I have come to see mum but since she's still in a meeting, I will wait for her here . Hope am allowed.

John: sure miss Faith, you can sit on that chair.

Lucky enough the chair was close and opposite John who was standing with other security guys.

Faith: thanks, did you said you don't have a girlfriend yesterday ( she said pretending as if she doesn't remember)

John: why are you concerned about that ma. Anyway yes I don't have a girlfriend.

Faith: but why?

John: because I am scared of having a relationship.

Faith: I don't get you( she said in surprise). Scared!

John: I am scared, because I don't want to get a broken heart, I am not rich, and don't have time and I may not be caring finally, I don't know how to talk to a girl.

Faith: you mean¡ Ohh ( laughed) ok, I don't have a boyfriend too .

John: ok

Faith: you don't even look interested in knowing why.

John : oh sorry why?

Faith: because guys are not to be trusted.

John: hmm.

Mrs WK and four other people came out of the meeting room, the meeting has ended. Mrs WK saw Faith and introduced her,also told her guests about her political ambition and the all ready to help.


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