After the first hit on Mrs WK, one would thought it's over but that's just the beginning as she said.

One early Monday morning, a week after the previous incident. Mrs WK was in her office preparing to go for her campaign at Kaduna the next day. Suddenly she received a call from the receptionist that some EFCC officials are here to her. She told her to allow them in. John led the officers to Mrs WK's office.

EFCC OFFICIALS: Good day madam

Mrs WK: good day officers, what can I do for you ?.

EFCC: ( this time one of them serve as the spoke person) Ma you are needed at our office.

Mrs WK: to do what?

EFCC: ma a sum of 3 millions dollars was traced into four of your companies account, this money was supposed to be used for the purchase of arm for the securities.

Mrs WK: so how did it get to my companies account, I need better explanation.

EFCC: madam that is all I can say for now, when you get to our office.

Mrs WK: ok can we go now

EFCC: Ma you are going in our vehicle.

Mrs WK: what! How is that possible. Ok Faith call my lawyer tell him to meet me at the EFCC office. ( Faith was with Mrs Oluwemimo )

Faith: ok ma.

Mrs WK arrived at the EFCC office (the head office) after waiting for 4hours her lawyer was already there, finally she voiced out telling them they can't just delay her wasting her precious time. The lawyer also intervene quoting the law to them giving them reasons why they shouldn't delay her client, but it was just like reciting poem to them. The officials didn't fear they may regret what they were doing to her.

Finally the EFCC Chairman came out of his office and asked Mrs WK and her lawyer to come into his office.

Mrs WK: sir what is the meaning of this?

EFCC Chairman: some money was traced into the account of four of your company, according to investigation this money was from the ex Minister for defence, and it was meant for buying arms for the security agencies. So tell me how does your agriculture and beverages Industry turn to a weapon selling company.

Mrs WK: you must have missed something in your investigation. I have no relation with the ex Minister of defence, and there is no money meant for the government in my companies accounts. Sir If I am right; the ex Minister ; the only thing we heard was thathe divert the fund meant to purchase weapons into his wife's account. And since he has joined the party of the present president, he was not charged to court, now you're telling me you've traced some money from him into my companies account.

Mrs WK's lawyer start from where she stop telling the EFCC Chairman the legal implications of what they are doing, he also made him realize it is unconstitutional, and he's ready to file a suit against the EFCC. He also told the chairman they are ready to go the court.

But the chairman latter explained that he's acting according to the order giving to him by the president, he also explained that they have frozen all her accounts. He told he the reason why he's telling her this is because he knew her( Mrs WK) as a good woman and a patriotic Nigerian. But there is nothing he( EFCC Chairman) can do.

Later in the evening Mrs WK was released.

It was a stressful day Mrs WK was worried, her accounts has been freezed she wasn't allowed to withdraw a Kobo, how would she fund her campaign. Not long after she got home, her P.A rushed to show her what the opposition party had done they posted her pictures at the EFCC office and in the EFCC vehicle, with the caption Mrs WK earlier was arrested by EFCC for colliding with the ex Minister for defence to loot 3 millions dollars. The new has spread round. Some of Mrs WK's followers had seized following her, they now see her as a currupt politician whom if they elect will make no different from the old politicians. Mrs WK couldn't say a word she just asked her P.A to excuse her.

She ordered that no one should come and see her until the next morning.

Mrs WK: ( talking to nobody ) Oh! God is this the end of my dream. I should have listened when I was told a woman cannot lead this country. God what have I done wrong, I just want to change this country. ( She remembered something and wiped the tear coming out of her eyes). Fear not! Yes, fear not was the convenant God made with me, Oh! Like when last have you talked with God. ( She knelt down and prayed for 2 hours).

Mrs WK: used to be a very prayerfully woman, she's a member of Mountain of Fire ministry, but her political activities this days had made her prayer life weak. 15 minutes After praying her phone rang, at first she didn't want to pickup, but she managed to convince herself to pick the call. It was her husband.

Mrs WK: hello, honey( she said sobbing) .

Mr Oluwemimo: many years ago I married to a very strong, bold and courageous woman. But today I noticed my wife lost this qualities, honey your deed will always draw days, they may do their worst but God is at your side. Honey don't worry I am always and will always be in support of you they freezed your account not mine. Stay strong love.

He end the call. One thing about Mr Oluwemimo is that he's like an angel to his wife and many other people around him. Whenever he advise he will end the call after talking without listening to who he advise. Mr Oluwemimo's call brought peace to Mrs WK's mind, she laughed and said my sweet husband.


The campaign

Mrs WK and her campaign team arrived Kaduna but to their surprise they were welcomed with a mocking song," looter, looter, their". They all understand that it was the result of the false accusations against Mrs WK. But this woman was just like a man instead of getting and she waved to this people with a smile on her face though she wasn't herself, she has never been humiliated like that before. She was drove done to the campaign ground, but to her surprise there are people waiting by the road side praising and shouting her name "WK,! WK!! WK!!" This surprised her and restored her hope, she didn't know Kaduna people loved her that much. A thought came into her mind " so what happened at the airport" those people that welcomed her, are paid to humiliate her by the opposition party.

Well she got to the campaign ground which was the Kaduna stadium she was surprised to see the crowd there. She made her speech and one thing about her is not matter the where she's campaigning she would entertain at least 50 questions from anybody. One of the questioners asked about the recent allegation by the EFCC, Mrs WK explain what happened, but she cannot confuse every one of them with ordinary words until their is a proof it was a false accusation, as the shout of WK thief! Broke out from the crowd. The almost loosed hope then she remembered the suit she putted on to the EFCC office has a button like camera. Then she smiled at the crowd and said by tomorrow you will know if I am a thief or not (she said with confidence).

Back home

She got back home prayed and called Faith, she explained to Faith about the camera, then she got the camera and plugged the memory card in it to her laptop.

Yes this is it she said loudly and sat down on her bed as she watched the video of when she was at the EFCC chairman's office. They watched and she later brought a wine to celebrate she called her husband explained all to him and later uploaded the video on social media.

The next day people started coming out to condemn action of the EFCC and the President. It was after 9 hours of the release of the video that the presidency reacted, claiming he knows nothing about the action of the EFCC Chairman and order his imidiate remover. This is a battle won for Mrs WK.


Weak punch

Very early on a morning Mrs WK received information that a corpse was found at the back of her compound, how this happened no one could explain, Mrs WK's house is situated in an estate which had a very strict security, and her house has a very tight security, so no one could explain how the corpse got there. But thank God for technology, the CCTV cameras revealed the people that performed the act. But to everyone's surprise one of the security working in the house was an accomplise. All the people involved were arrested but they were assassinated at the police station, so the police couldn't get any useful information about who sent them or why they did it.

Three days after this incident Mrs WK was in her room that night, after she and Faith had chatted about the election, how it will be and they had also made plans in case the opposition party will rig the election, they had planned how to make people know they can reject the election results if they are not satisfied, they planned on how to enlighten them on rejection the election if they realize the election isn't free and fair. Mrs WK believe Nigerian do not really understand democracy that is the reason why the bad politicians get away with their dirty acts easily. She had always been saying " power is when one person has the support of others or when many qre in support of a cause . The more support the more powerful, we vote this politicians in we don't have to wait till four years before we can send them out if they are doing bad. But the problem is we fail to understand democracy and some who understands are feeling like I don't care, we all fear to fight for things that is ours, imagine a state government telling you if you don't vote him or her for second term he will not do this or that for you, is it his/her money that will be used for the project. Imagine a government that doesn't get moved by strike, when embarked on by labour Union, does he/she not know this will affect the economy and other activities. What give the bad people in government more strength is because they know selfish people are more, they can easily buy this people to shut them up so as to hinder others from fighting for their rights, they know there are more coward amongst the oppressed who prefer complaining than been part of the solution"

When it's late at night Mrs Oluwemimo and Faith departed to their different rooms. When Mrs WK got to her room she felt the presence of someone in the room. She quickly asked "who is that" but nobody replied, she tried checking the bacthroom, and every other place on could hide in the room, but no one was there. She quickly arrived at the thought that no one is in the room, it might just be because she was missing her husband.

Before I continue let me tell you about Mr Oluwemimo: Mr Oluwemimo is a business man, he owns a oil company, and many estates, he also has shares in many Banks. To cut the story he's a billionaire, most of his investments are in Nigeria and other spread across Africa and America. Presently he's in Ghana for a project ( telecommunication).

Now back to the Mrs Oluwemimo she went to the bathroom to shower and then returned back to the room. Suddenly she noticed that there are two shadows in the room, one look masculine and the other feminine, the other shadow is her but the masculine shadow was what scared her, as she was about to shout for help the shadow moved closer to her and grabbed her neck , strangling it. She began to struggle but the masculine Shadow's power seems to be greater than hers. After 15 minutes she became weak and lost hope that she's going to die. But a thought came to her mind like a man was talking to him, saying " since you can fight your fight, I don't intervene when I am not called" this made her realize there is someone that can help her. She tried to force herself to say jesus, but her voice wasn't loud the more she try, the more the shadow start releasing her neck until her voice came out loudly and she screamed "Jesus" . The shadow released her and disappeared, she was panting and sweating like someone who has run 30km in 30 minutes, Her P.A, Faith John and two other security ran inside her room, the security were searching every corner of the room, while Faith and her P.A ran to her. Mrs WK told her security it not a battle of guns, that God had already intervened, then she explained her ordeal to them. They couldn't leave her so Faith and P A stayed with her in her room while John and the other guys stay outside the door of her room.

The next morning Mrs WK told Faith and her P.A with John and the other two security, she will be staying in her room for three days, she doesn't want anyone to disturb her, she told her P.A to cancel all appointment for the next three days. They were all scared but since she told them she will be praying and fasting for three days they all agreed to let her be.

John, Faith, PA and the other two security men kept what happened within themselves, they did not reveal to all other workers in the house.

After two days that Mrs WK had not the showing in public, a romour started spreading on social media that Mrs WK had died, and her party is planning to reveal this at die minutes to the election, so that the can use her influence towin for the new candidate which is Mrs WK running mate. This fake news was released by one of the senators who is a member of the opposition party. Despite the agitation of the government to end fake news, this is a senator a law maker, spreading fake news for the interest of his political party. Meanwhile lot of people have been prosecuted for spreading fake news but for in power they are the one spreading fake news most, they use fake news for political interest and yet they are not charged or prosecuted. This show the level of impunity which the government has put on most of his party faithful and anyone spreading fake news that will benefit the party.

Some people had start believing, because it is unusual for Mrs WK not to have show her face to debunk fake news about her. But some do not believe, Hundreds of Mrs WK's lover, who could access her house had came to check on her, but all the information they got was very soon she will address the public. That same day thausand of Mrs WK's lover came down to her office demanding to know what happened to her, but they didn't get any information.

After the third day . Mrs WK came out to address the public that she's not dead, she was only busy doing something's. They filled the heart of all her lovers.


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