The Young Miss of the Xu Family is a Little Strange (1)

Tian Meng threw the squishy ball of her light up and down as she lay on the bed, thoughtfully.

"Host, please stop playing around." The cool and mature voice of the system said. Maybe it was because he had bound together with his host when she was only a small child that she had never really seemed to mature properly, always acting so childish all the time. She especially like to play with this body of his. He couldn't feel anything, so he didn't mind, but he really wished that the host would concentrate on the mission at hand.

"Alright, alright. Little White (Xiao Bai) is so naggy." Tian Meng replied in a sweet and childish voice.

She quickly sat up, still slightly dizzy from just transmigrating over. "Hurry up and give me this world's information."

The system obeyed, sending over the plot information that Tian Meng asked for.

She blinked, taking a second to digest it all. Since she was a child, Tian Meng had been traveling through novel worlds and acting as the villain, gathering up points in exchange for wishes that she could use in the real world. She could already be considered somewhat of a veteran transmigrater.

This world did not appear that hard. The main female lead was the illegitimate child of the illustrious Xu family, a girl by the name of Qin Yu.

This Xu family was well known among the music circles. The father was a famous conductor, the mother a renowned violinist, the older brother a genius cello player, and the younger daughter a skilled pianist with much potential.

They were a happy and harmonious family, and the youngest daughter should have had a dazzling future - until the appearance of this world's female lead, Qin Yu.

Qin Yu was the daughter of Xu father's ex lover, Qin Ruan. He had dumped her in order to pursue the beautiful and talented Xu mother, but Qin Ruan still had lingering feelings. Because of this, she devised a plan to trick Xu father into a one night stand after he and Xu mother had already gotten married. After waking up the next day, Xu father was so outraged that he completely cut contact with Qin Ruan. Little did he know that Qin Ruan had gotten pregnant with just this one night of sex, giving birth to a healthy little girl only a couple of months before the birth of the Xu family's little princess, Xu Mingyue.

Everything seemed peaceful for the next 17 years, but of course, there was no way things could stay that way. Just before dying, Qin Ruan had told her daughter the truth about her conception, and after death, with no one else to rely on, Qin Yu could only go to find her father.

When she revealed her identity, obviously Xu father was doubtful but seeing the DNA test, could only admit that she truly was his daughter. In the end, thinking that the child had no faults and was rather pitiful, and still being his flesh and blood, he decided to take her in.

Xu mother, finding this out, was so angry that she nearly coughed up blood, becoming bedridden from illness. Naturally, neither the Xu family son or daughter liked this series of events, but the Xu oldest son was studying music abroad and thus unable to do anything.

But Xu Mingyue wasn't going to let this go. Thus began the tale of the legitimate young miss bullying the innocent and hard working illegitimate daughter.

It was a pity that Xu Mingyue was just a cannon fodder, not able to compare to Qin Yu and her protagonist's aura.

After joining the Xu family, Qin Yu's talent in the piano was quickly discovered, and it was even better than that of Xu Mingyue's! Naturally, as a person who loved music, Xu father was very happy about this. He felt that such a talented and hardworking young girl being his daughter was a blessing, and quickly found the best tutors for her.

As for Xu Mingyue, he was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with this daughter of his, who he felt was too narrow hearted compared to Qin Yu, constantly finding trouble with this older sister of hers.

Tian Meng rolled her eyes. She had already seen such cliche developments many times before.

Tian Meng turned her attention to the male lead of the story, who would become Qin Yu's golden thigh, allowing her to thoroughly dispose of this obstacle known as Xu Mingyue.

This world's male lead was a man called Yan Mo, who was the heir to the Yan family, a major family in the realm of real estate. He loved music, and often sponsored young talents that he found pleasing to him. He had just been looking for a new talent to sponsor when he came across Qin Yu. At the time, Qin Yu's playing may not have been very skillful, but held a warmth and emotion to it like the spring sun, particularly pleasing to the ears.

Yan Mo immediately liked it and thus decided to sponsor Qin Yu. Over time, such a hard working and sweet girl gradually allowed him to fall in love with her, and from then on, Qin Yu's rise through the music world was unstoppable, becoming the world's number one pianist after many years and marrying Yan Mo. A true winner in life.

As for Xu Mingyue, this cannon fodder, she was completely disgraced and unable to take it, committed suicide. Her mother was devastated by the news and quickly died from her illness, and as for the older brother, he disappeared from the music circle to live abroad, cutting all ties with the Xu family that had caused the death of his little sister and mother. But a delicate man like him that had only concentrated on music and relied on his parents for everything else before would obviously not be able to adapt to a new life and so was found dead by suicide in a small apartment many years later.

As for Xu father, he enjoyed fame as the father of Qin Yu, living a relaxed retired life before dying of old age.

Tian Meng who had seen all sorts of people in her life only felt indifferent. Anyways, she didn't care much about these miscellaneous peoples, and was only concerned with her mission. The previous Xu Mingyue could only be considered a cannon fodder, having faded into obscurity after her death - but now that Tian Meng was here, there was no way that she would let that happen. She would become an amazing villain, so much so that there was no way that upon death she would be merely forgotten! She would make sure that her name would echo far and wide, becoming a true obstacle for both the male and female leads.

Tian Meng stood up from her bed, hips swaying slightly as she walked to her vanity mirror. The girl that stood reflected in the glass was beautiful. She had a dignified and slightly haughty expression with eyes like a fox spirit's, her long and glossy hair an inky black, and her skin smooth and pale like the moon. She was slender, but not too thin, and had just enough curves in all the right places. Not too much or not too little, it was an elegant sort of beauty.

Tian Meng, who was a slightly vain person, naturally felt satisfied with such a body.

"Host, is it necessary to admire your appearance in every world?" The system couldn't help but say, drawing Tian Meng out of her reverie.

"Of course," she spoke pouting. "You wouldn't understand since you aren't even human, but having a beauty that is satisfying to the eyes is naturally the best. Especially a villain."

This the system understood. According to statistical data, readers were more prone to liking the villain if they were beautiful.

It was even better if they had a sad backstory and logical reason as to why they acted the way they did. After all, a villain that was just evil had no depth - Xu Mingyue had learned that playing out such a villain did not give her that many points.

As Xu Mingyue was the legitimate daughter of the Xu family, she naturally held the moral high ground against Qin Yu. This was good.

The other thing that Tian Meng would need to fix with Xu Mingyue was her piano skills. As the villain, and not just mere cannon fodder, she naturally needed to have skill at least on par with, or even a tiny bit better than Qin Yu.

Not only that, but it was best that their style, or the feel of their music, was opposing. Since Qin Yu's music was warm like the spring sun, then Tian Meng decided that Xu Mingyue should play music that was cold and pure, like the bright moon that was her namesake.

Tian Meng had picked up and mastered many skills in her time bound to the system, so she did not think that this would be too much trouble.

Aside from this, there would naturally be devising up ways to torture and play with the male and female leads. For Xu Mingyue, who was a noble lady, Tian Meng decided that she should not get her hands dirty - she should maintain this cold and pure image. It was best if she was the mastermind in the shadows, directing everything from behind, manipulating people like puppets on a stage. Only should it be at the end would her identity be revealed and Tian Meng would have completed her role.

Tian Meng felt very satisfied. She had acted out many different villains, but she always felt the same excitement when she was preparing for a new role.

She walked toward her closet, picking out an elegant silver-blue dress. Today was the day that Qin Yu would enter the Xu family. Xu Mingyue could not lose out in appearance and aura to the female lead, at least, not yet.

Once she was ready, looking every bit a rich young miss, Tian Feng left to go to battle.

A few moments later, she entered her room again, grabbing the left behind system.

"What are you doing just sitting there and not following me? What would I do if you are not there to record my awesome appearance!" Tian Meng scolded.

System: Naturally I stayed behind so I wouldn't have to do such a thing! I am not your personal camera!

But the system was a mature system and would not say something like that out loud to Tian Meng. She was so young, what if her feelings got hurt? As the elder here, the system naturally would not bicker over such small matters and instead chose to remain silent.