The Young Miss of the Xu Family is a Little Strange (7)

As the lights dimmed, the sound in the hall quieted.

There was an introduction for each contestant of the competition before they played their piece. Although it was a competition more for beginner musicians, the skill level was not too bad. Yan Mo closed his eyes as he relished the sound of the music. He liked these sorts of new talents the best, seemingly almost being able to hear the potential in their music.

He opened his eyes when he heard a "Qin Yu" being introduced, blinking. It was indeed the same Qin Yu that he had thought of. Underneath the dazzling lights, Qin Yu looked slightly prettier compared to normal. She had an almost delicate and pitiful feel that made others want to protect her - perhaps this was the result of Tian Meng's bullying. Wearing a pale blue dress, it was almost as if she was trying to imitate the elegant and dignified image that Tian Meng had cultivated, but because her aura was much weaker, it only made her appear slightly sickly.

It was completely different from the bright and cheerful disposition that she should have had.

That being said, there were plenty of people that liked this sort of sick beauty. Tian Meng's lips curled up into a slight sneer, her eyes growing increasingly cold.

Yan Mo observed all this as he looked back and forth between the two. It was clear that Tian Meng was upset, not liking this mistress's daughter in the least. Because of this, Yan Mo leaned over and spoke in a quiet voice, "if you don't want to watch anymore then we can leave," he said. Although he was sad that they would have to cut their date short, after all, what was the point in staying here? Just so that Xu Mingyue would disgust herself?

"No need." Tian Meng shook her head. What a joke! If they left, then what was the point of all her efforts?

Yan Mo frowned lightly but in the end did not speak anymore. After all, if Xu Mingyue wanted to stay and watch the show, then he should just let her.

He was only worried that her mood would be ruined because of it...

As Qin Yu sat down and began playing, a delicate melody issued out, harmonizing together with her appearance. Delicate and fragile. If Tian Meng was more like the peony, the dignified emperor of flowers, then Qin Yu had cultivated an aura like the delicate and sweet lily of the valley. Only the lily of the valley was also a poisonous flower...

Tian Meng didn't know if this Qin Yu also hid a poisonous interior behind that sweet exterior of hers?

Yan Mo was surprised. He really didn't know what sort of magic this Qin Yu possessed to improve so much in such a short time. He was even wondering if her technique had already surpassed Xu Mingyue's? Even so, although the technique could be said to be exquisite, Yan Mo couldn't help but think that she was still not as good as Xu Mingyue. Just thinking of that one song that she had played at his mother's birthday party - a single note could entrance him for a lifetime.

It lacked the elegance, dignity, emotion, and pride of Xu Mingyue's playing.

It seemed that already in Yan Mo's eyes, no one would be able to overcome Xu Mingyue's playing.

Yan Mo glanced over to Tian Meng, whose expression had gotten increasingly darker. But, noticing that Yan Mo was looking her way, she rearranged her face into one of cool indifference. Even so, the chilly look in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

Yan Mo felt his heart ache slightly. Look, this was why he had wanted them to leave. Just because of some little illegitimate child, his Xu Mingyue was suffering so much! His eyes flashed with a cruel light.

Just an illegitimate child, but did she think that because she was a little good at playing the piano that she could surpass Xu Mingyue?

Tian Meng could have never expected that instead of succeeding in cultivating feelings between the male and female leads today, she instead caused the male lead to decide to suppress and hate the female lead...

When Qin Yu finished, the audience gave a loud applause, causing Tian Meng's expression to turn slightly ugly. "Mingyue, do you want to leave?" Yan Mo asked Tian Meng as he leaned in, his voice barely audible above the clapping.

"No." Tian Meng said. She still had to see Qin Yu winning the competition! Not only that, but she needed to make sure to give that girl a piece of her mind as well.

The other contestants came on, but their playing was a blur. Before Tian Meng knew it, the light had grown brighter, the audience beginning to chat and take restroom breaks as the judges convened to come to a decision over the competition winners.

"Let me go get you a drink," Yan Mo said as he stood, and Tian Meng paused before nodding.

"Just water," She said in a soft and cool voice, to which a sad look passed through Yan Mo's eyes.

He completely thought that Tian Meng was disheartened by Qin Yu's playing, thus the reason for her soft voice and gloomy expression. He reaffirmed his hatred for that despicable Qin Yu, even as he calmly nodded and left to go get drinks for the two of them.

Tian Meng stood. Of course she would take the opportunity of the male lead being away to go find the female lead to bully!

"Little White, where is the female lead right now?" Tian Meng asked in quiet voice, and the ball of light paused, his light flickering before he replied.

"She is heading to the bathroom," he said.

The bathroom! The perfect place where seemingly half of all bullying scenes occurred in. Tian Meng was satisfied as she began to make her way there.

When she entered, to her surprise, or perhaps not, Qin Yu was already being bullied by a group of girls. Tian Meng recognized these girls as some of the other contestants of today's competition. The three of them were all second generations, the children of famous figures in the music circle.

"What's going on here?" Tian Meng said, her cool voice stopping the girls in their tracks. The three bullies looked slightly embarrassed, while Qin Yu's face darkened as she saw who had spoken.

Initially she was still hopeful, but there was no way that Xu Mingyue would help her out of the kindness of her heart.

"Young miss Xu! I didn't know that you were here today," one of the girls exclaimed in surprise. She was wearing a bright red dress, and had an appearance that belied a fiery personality. Her expression turned into one that was prepared to curry favor.

"I came with young master Yan to enjoy the skills of the young talents of these days. I never would have expected my sweet older sister was also performing today..." Tian Meng shook her head as she walked past the group, going toward the sink.

The three girls looked at each other. The fact that the Xu family had suddenly produced an illegitimate child was quite well known in their circle. After all, it had caused the Xu Madam to fall ill and young miss Xu had even backed out of the Franz Liszt competition.

The emotions in their eyes took on a completely different tone now as they looked to Qin Yu in disdain. They already disliked this girl that put on a weak and delicate appearance for show, but now knowing she was an illegitimate child that had wrecked havoc on her family...

Absolutely disgusting!

"It seems that elder sister is really talented. It hasn't even been that long since you've started playing, but you can already perform so well." Tian Meng turned on the faucet, letting the clear water run over her slender and pale hands.

"Perhaps, you've even already surpassed this younger sister of yours?" Her voice was so cold that Qin Yu couldn't help but shiver, her face paling in fear. Such a vicious person like Xu Mingyue, there was no way she would let her go, especially since her skill had actually surpassed Xu Mingyue's own.

Tian Meng turned off the faucet. The bathroom was silent as she calmly shook the water off her hands before grabbing a paper towel, drying them off slowly. "It seems that even though your blood is dirty, you've still inherited the musical talent of our Xu family. How..." Her eyes narrowed, looking at Qin Yu through the mirror. "Laughable."

"Continue with what you were doing. This young miss doesn't plan on interrupting you any longer," she said with a faint smile.

She walked off, and the three bullies couldn't help but admire the beauty and dignity that Tian Meng had conducted her. Even though she was just as cruel, there was a sort of beauty to it that couldn't help but cause others to gasp.

Because of this, the bullying that resulted afterwards was even more vicious. Even so, the three were smart, not leaving any evidence behind that could show that Qin Yu had been bullied. After all, they would all still have to go up on stage together later. Even though it would be satisfying to embarrass Qin Yu by wrecking her appearance or dress, that sort of low level scheme was something that the three knew was off limits - after all, it would be no good if people decided to investigate and they go caught, right?

Tian Meng wouldn't have thought that those three minor character girls would actually be so intelligent, instead still looking forward to seeing Qin Yu's appearance on the stage later and wondering just how terrible she would look.

Just as she took her seat, Yan Mo had also come back. "Did you go anywhere?" He asked as he handed her the drink in his hand.

"Just to the bathroom," Tian Meng responded with a shallow smile as she thanked him. Taking a sip of the water, it was slightly warm. Actually Tian Meng didn't really like warm water that much, but her expression didn't change, and she simply set the cup down in the chair cupholder.

Even so, Yan Mo noticed this little bit and took note that Mingyue must not like warm water that much. To notice from just the fact that Tian Meng had set down the cup after only a sip, if Tian Meng knew she would definitely feel a little bit disgusted.

People who noticed the little details like that - although she could use it to her advantage, she also really didn't like them as it meant she had to watch her actions even more than usual. Even if she liked a challenge, to not even be able to rest a little...! Sigh!

"I wonder who will win the competition," Tian Meng commented, her smile sweet but her eyes cold.

Yan Mo paused. They were both people who had a good ear for music. Yan Mo could tell that out of all the contestants, it was Qin Yu whose playing was the best. If nothing unexpected happened, then she would certainly be the winner of this competition. But, he couldn't say that out loud now could he? After all, it would only upset Xu Mingyue.

Even so, Tian Meng's piercing eyes prevented him from lying to her. They were cold, dark, and gloomy, as if daring him to say the two words Qin Yu. The silence stretched on before Tian Meng finally spoke again. "Well there's no need for you to say anything. We'll find out soon anyways." She said, her lip curling up in a faint sneer.

Yan Mo felt terrible at this, but he knew that a prideful person like Xu Mingyue. would not accept his pity. In the end, he took Tian Meng's hand in his.

Tian Meng tried to tug it away, but once again, her strength was not enough compared to Yan Mo's. Inwardly she was cursing this shameless man, but she kept quiet. Dammit, if only she didn't have to act like an elegant and dignified young miss, then she would definitely have gone to blows with this male lead already.

When the judges returned, as expected, the one announced as the winner was Qin Yu. Unexpectedly, Qin Yu looked normal as she came up to accept the award. Tian Meng was slightly disappointed - it seemed that those three girls were smarter than they looked. Just mob characters, but they unexpectedly knew what they should and shouldn't do. But, even though this seemed like a good thing, it wasn't the outcome that Tian Meng had wanted.

Because of it, her expression was slightly ugly - this wasn't acting, but her true feelings.

Yan Mo felt his heart ache, thinking that Xu Mingyue was feeling angry because her half-sister had actually won the competition. Tian Meng was indeed upset, but not for the reason that Yan Mo was thinking of.

"It seems that Qin Yu has the fortune of being blessed with our Xu family's musical talent," Tian Meng lightly commented, her expression having adjusted so that it was now indifferent.

"She still can't compare to you, the legitimate miss. A thing like that, there's no need for you to pay attention to her and harm your body with anger," Yan Mo said and Tian Meng paused.

From his words, he still appeared biased toward herself? Why!? It was clear as day that Qin Yu's skill in the piano had already overcome what she had displayed at Yan madame's birthday party, so how was it that Yan Mo still remained partial to herself? Qin Yu was even a rare genius that had progressed to this stage in only a little amount of time, unlike Xu Mingyue who had been practicing from a young age with the best of teachers.

Tian Meng glared at Yan Mo, scoffing, her eyes clearly saying, "even an amateur could tell that her skill is better than mine, yet you insist on comforting me with such empty words." Yan Mo could only show a helpless expression. He felt that no matter what he said, Xu Mingyue would not believe him.

Even so, he truly felt that Xu Mingyue's playing was better than Qin Yu's.

Maybe it was because he had only heard it once, and his imagination and desire had turned the playing in his memories into something even more beautiful than what it really was. Either that, or perhaps it was just that Xu Mingyue's playing was more to his taste.

Either way, it could be seen that Xu Mingyue's place in his heart had already been established, and it would be hard for Tian Meng to get him to change his mind. Especially since this was the male lead - for the male lead, once they had their heart set on someone, that person, no matter what they did, it was good, even if it was bad.

Tian Meng couldn't help but lament. Was her only choice now to ruin her hands? Or maybe suicide? But if that was the case, then she would definitely need to go out with a bang, or else it wouldn't be worth it.

As for the relationship between the male and female lead, well... She inwardly sighed. It seemed that the fate between them was only just so.

Tian Meng could not bear to stay any longer, and Yan Mo had long wanted to leave. After all, Tian Meng's mood was already ruined, even if she wanted to stay and bully Qin Yu, she no longer thought that there was any point.

She had already bullied her enough, it was better for her to go home and focus on refining her new plan.

Because the two of them left slightly early, they were able to avoid the hustle and bustle of a crowd and returned home quickly.

Yan Mo, at the entrance of the Xu family's home, held onto Tian Meng's hand as he placed in it a small present.

"This is unnecessary," Tian Meng said coolly, but Yan Mo was never one to take no for an answer. He didn't argue with her, just shoving the present into her hands before leaving.

Tian Meng did not look at it, only tossing it aside when she entered her room. "Little White, it seems that we will have to give up on this world. The most I can do is probably die a beautiful death," she said as she sat down at her vanity, taking off her jewelry.

Little White circled Tian Meng a few times, feeling it was sad but there wasn't anything that he could think of to do. Who let the male lead be so stubborn?

Although this might affect their ranking, and they wouldn't get many points, it wasn't too bad. After all, Tian Meng had a fairly good track record. This was just a minor hiccup. She would be sure to make up for her losses in the next world.

"At this point, the only thing that could change the male leads mind would probably be a miracle! Don't think much of it. We'll just have to do better in the next world." Little White comforted Tian Meng, who nodded.

"It's too bad that this is a modern world. If there was magic, then maybe I could have forcefully bound those two, the male and female leads, together." She said bitterly, shaking her head.

"Don't be too sad," Little White felt fretful. Every time Tian Meng had failed, she had always gotten very depressed. Although she would quickly pick herself up afterwards and work even harder so that she wouldn't fail again, it still made the system feel worried whenever she failed.

After all, Tian Meng was a very prideful person. She didn't fail very much, but every time she did she would always be in a very bad mood for the next couple of days.

Tian Meng only sighed, her face filled with regret.