"Swbie Melodrama...

Its already morning. No one try to call me or look for me on the rooftop..

Now, I'm waiting for her " swbie Melodrama"..

"Agh, I should have brought some popcorn..Alas!!😥

Now, its 8am..

My dear Audience, sit tightly , hold your popcorn..Most waited new year show "" Swbie Melodrama Season..😵.."."Never mind", is about to start..

Big Bitch:"Sea, Sea..Sea where are you sis is too worried.." (everyone in deep sleep)

📢 Sea,,Sea..are you on rooftop..Mom, where is Sea..? Sea Sea Sea..(loudest louder..so, she can have enough audience.. :""") (she succeed. Everyone awaken by her loud ass)

"Sigh, time for my savage role"" me in my room.

I came out from my room. Everyone stare at me as if I killed someone. My bitch sis came back from rooftop and hug me with teary eye..

"Where have you been?? I was too worried for you that I was about to collapse."

Me::"Really.." Bitc..Big sis."

My first uncle: "what kind of attitude is that? Can't you see she is too worried and crying.."

Everyone's expression told me that they agreed with this crapy uncle.

"Fuck..worried. HaHaaaHa. Who told her to be and make a fuss..!!"

1st uncle::"You ungrateful girl..where is your manners?!"

"Uncle don't scold her. She is my lil sis. My beloved one even if she do me wrong. I can't blame her for that", with a victim expression my big sis said.

"look she still didn't blame on you. You really are heartless.. Apologize to your sis", uncle said.

"No, lil Sea, you don't have to..", big sis told it with a lovely sady face.

"What the fuck makes you think that I will apologize to you!!. Your victim card can't trap me. So, stop acting..!"

" look at your daughter lil sis. if not for her Mumma I would have..", uncle said angrily to my Mom.

"let me finish your crap, uncle...You would have killed me long ago"..

" where are your manners. For you how many time I have to lose my face", Mom said to me as she want to kill me now..

Alas! when I use to need her most, she never show up or do something to help me. I really doubt "if she really is my birth mom".

" Oh, you remembered you have face.But let me correct you mom. It should be faces.!??", I said to mom sarcastically.

Mom's face turned bloody black with anger.

"sis don't talk to mom like that. Please, insult me as you please. I'm the one to blame. I should have keep my worries to myself", big sis said and sob..

All my male cousins rush over to my sis as if she wasn't crying but dying and told her ," no..no, you did it cause you love her." They stared murderously at me and added ,"she is a ungrateful bitch who doesn't deserve your concern."

"sob..sob please don't blame lil Sea..""

"clap clap..Big sis you could win a Oscar for your acting..and you guyz for your blindness. Love is indeed blind. I wish I could enjoy popcorn while watching your Oscar wining act..Sigh! Whatever. Better luck next time".

Their faces turned blacker..

" You, Mom said.

I interfere and said with a evil but serious smile, "big sis, if you are that fucking concerned about me than why didn't stay with me or called me while leaving rooftop!! You really are inherited this family's badass acting. Its future depends on you..And I am fucking sure you didn't disappoint our elders.."".

"look how shameless she is, sis", 3rd uncle said to Mom with a terrifying expression.

I walk past them. Before leaving I said," big sis, please notify me before you start you Swbie Melodrama. I need to prepare for full enjoyment"."Yeah, you all did well as I expected and I wish you all add some better line next time so that you can again my ass respect".

l leaved and heard some of their crap.

"Lil sis, do something about her. She gonna spoil other kids"', 1st Uncle said and went to Big sis to comfort her..

They and even my mom didnt notice that I leave without clean up and without eating my breakfast.

I was starved to death. When someone shout my name from back. I looked back. Its my lil sis Bunny.

She came to me with a bag and said ," remember to eat And best of luck for your last chance."Then she went back.

In this family, only 2 people besides her care for me. Their love is pure and selfless for me..

""I will repay their kindness one day for sure""

"" Ahem !! Audience did you enjoy the "Swbie Melodrama". Cause I really enjoyed their idiotic craps. In near future, we gonna have more " Swbie and some other hit Drama".

**So, stay tuned**