why me..

Tang enter into the factory. He looked around. Its all dark. He was about to leave. He heard flute sound. He followed that sound and found a door broken but pretty decorated.

The door will give you a mix feelings of excitement, fear and with sound of flute you can feel an warm cold feeling of love.

Tang couldn't help but enter. He Forget about Sea for a moment. Its looked as if something enchanted him. He unconsciously follow up the sound to somewhere unknown.

After crossing that door he walked 3 minutes in darkness. A veil appear infront of him. He pulled that veil. The brightness of the Sun almost blind him. He recovered soon and look straight.

He was surprised. His eyes couldn't believe the view in front of him. There is a pond of freshwater and colourful fishes into it. Rabbits, butterfly, birds and a small hut. With the sound of flute, its a small dream world. Who would believe that a rumoured haunted factory have such beautiful hidden place.

He saw a girl playing a flute. When he saw she is none other than Sea. He surprisingly smirk. His gaze toward Sea relieve a feeling which cant be explained by words but one can feel. One cant help but think that she is a fairy in this dream world and he is greatly in love with her.

Sudddenly, Sea's flute sound became restless, like its going to destroy everything. That sound drop Tang back to reality. He rush over and took the flute.

She clicked her tongue too hard to bleed and tears were rolling down from her face. He never thought Sea would be so miserable after losing Liam.

He shout her name and shake her anxiously, "Sea you tongue is bleeding. Stop hurting yourself".

She look up at him and asked him, " Why me? Why always its me who end up dead?"

She grabbed her flute and said, " I gifted him this on our first date. He was too good at playing flute. He taught me how to play it." She look around and said with a smile, "It was our secret base. We clean and decorate this place together. We even scar away everyone who try to come here. We spread rumours about ghost. He and I promise that we will be togther forever. And it will be our home.He will buy this place. Even when we had a fight he was the 1st one to apologies. We were happy together. But 2 weeks ago, we had a big fight cause I saw Qi kiss his cheeks. But he didn't say a thing. I thought i was wrong. So, I went to airpot for seek apologize from him. But he was kissing Qi. I am too naive. Our memories are nothing to him. Tell me He loves me!! Its a nightmare!! I want to kill myse.....

Tang interrupt her and said, "Stop crying for him. He doesn't know he lost a rare gem. Forget everything. If you need to cry, just cry till you feel no pain."

Sea hugged him and murmured, "What I should do? I love him. How will I live without him. Why god why..."

She loudly cried till the drown over Tang's Shoulder.

Taina called Tang. Taina's call make them aware of time. Tang asked Taina to pick up them. Then Tang hold Sea's hand and head out.

Sea stopped and asked, "Tang today's everything....please keep it secret for me and please dont let anyone know about this place.

Tang promised and hold her hand tightly. Somehow Tang feel a lil happy but didn't show his happiness.