Bishop Reynolds

Chapter 4: Bishop Reynolds

"What happened, kid?"

Robb hurriedly asked as he took the wounded Eve Nightwind from John's shoulder.

"I don't remember much, Mr. Robb. We were kidnapped by some guys and locked up in that mansion."

John pointed his finger at the remote mansion and spoke anxiously. If someone looked at him closely, they would notice his hands and legs were trembling.

John then grabbed Eve's hand while displaying an angry look and continued.

"M-My mother is seriously injured. Please help her." At that moment, Hunt and Robb noticed the helplessness in his tone and glanced at each other.

After that, both nodded and took her inside the Life Church.

John also entered the church's main building, following closely behind the others. What greeted him was a vast hall, its ceiling reaching great heights. Along the sides of the aisle, rows of benches were meticulously arranged, exuding a sense of uniformity. 

At the end of the hall, affixed to the wall, an iron candlestick stood proudly adorned with flickering candles. This arrangement infused the entire space with an air of sanctity and reverence.

Directing his gaze towards the elevated stage at the front, John's eyes settled upon a striking white statue. The statue depicted a woman of exceptional beauty with generously proportioned breasts. 

She was clothed in a flowing blouse, complemented by a long tulip skirt and elegant footwear. Her features were captivating, boasting big blue eyes, flowing locks of curly hair, and a gentle, inviting smile.

The mere presence of the statue had a profound effect on John. In an instant, his heart and mind found solace and tranquility. It was as though the statue embodied something divine, emitting an aura that effortlessly dispelled his anxiety and weariness, leaving him with a profound sense of inner peace.

He was greatly surprised by this mysterious new feeling!

He studied the statue, shifted his gaze towards those big blue eyes, and furrowed.

But before he could look closer, a pleasant male voice came from the right, causing him to turn around.

"Charles, what happened to Eve?"

Standing before John was a man in his forties, his hair adorned with streaks of gray. With purposeful and confident strides, he approached John, his gaze filled with curiosity as he took in Eve's condition.

The man possessed a striking appearance, his deep-set amber eyes conveying a sense of wisdom and intensity. His face boasted a square shape, giving him an air of determination. His eyebrows, elegantly thin, accentuated his expressive eyes. A long, hawkish nose added a touch of distinction to his features, lending him an air of authority.

Dressed in a white robe meticulously embroidered with golden thread, the man exuded an aura of dignity and significance. He held a white beret in his right hand, hinting at a higher position or authority within the Church. However, it was the unique gold pocket watch he grasped that truly caught his eye. This timepiece, a symbol of precision and meticulousness, gleamed with an unmistakable allure, further enhancing the man's air of distinction and intrigue.

'Bishop Reynolds!'

Without a doubt, John recognized him instantly.

Alas, he maintained his acting ability, bowed his head, and spoke anxiously.

"Father Reynolds, please save my mother!" His voice appeared desperate and weak.

Meanwhile, Reynolds looked at him up and down and ordered calmly.

"Tell me what happened first."

Simultaneously, he signaled Hunt and Robb to place Eve on the long table and moved closer to Eve.

Meanwhile, John also arrived beside the long table, grabbed Eve's hand like a lost child, and narrated what happened earlier while skipping some parts.

Bishop Reynolds listened to his story and started muttering some strange incantation.

A few seconds later, a whitish glow came out of Reynolds' hand, descended on Eve's body, and started healing her wounds.

By the time John finished his narration, Bishop Reynolds had also completed his healing process.

Alas, John wasn't happy at all. He noticed that although some mysterious power healed her wounds, her heart rate declined quickly!

'Something is wrong.'

As he was confused, Reynolds sighed deeply and started to speak with a regretful look.

"I have healed most of her internal injuries. But her soul is weakening, Charles. If we don't do anything to heal the injuries in her soul, she won't be waking up anytime soon. I suggest you buy a Life Potion from the Holy Cathedral and use it on her."

Charles's expression changed as he heard those words. Although he felt Bishop was telling the truth, his years of experience with criminals told him the opposite.

'The man isn't lying completely, but he's also hiding something. Wait. According to Charles's memory, this Bishop is a greedy and cunning fox. He is also the one who came to offer 2000 gold coins for 23 hectares of land. Could it be he is scheming something?' An ominous feeling appeared in his heart.

'Charles doesn't know much about the exact rate of that Life Potion, but Eve mentioned to him more than once that it is an expensive potion vial. But it shouldn't be more than 50 gold coins.'

"How much does it cost, father?" John asked, frowning.

In the meantime, Reynolds showed the same regretful expression and replied calmly yet coldly.

"500 gold coins."

'I knew it!'

John raised his eyebrows and asked further.

"How many days does she have left?"

"4 hours." Reynolds smirked as he continued, "But if you obtain a loan from our Life Church using the 23 hectares of land, you can save her quickly."

'Lying bast*rd!'

John sighed heavily and asked.

"What is the interest?"

"5% per month. We will legally confiscate your property if you do not pay interest for three consecutive months. We will sell it if you do not pay interest for the next 12 months."

Reynolds said shamelessly.

'25 gold coins per month? A commoner can live in peace for a year with this amount! But I have no choice but to bite it, huh? Other churches don't have a Bishop to heal her, nor do they have these types of expensive potions. But if I want to protect Eve, I've no choice but to rely on this Church. Although Bishop Reynolds may act shamelessly, Life Church had to protect the person who came to knock on the door in need of help.'

It was a golden rule!

Life Church was the safest place in this whole city for Eve!

John gazed intensely at the Bishop for a second, gripped his fist tighter, and spoke coldly before turning around.

"I will come back with the documents. Until then, take care of my mother." His cold voice echoed inside the hall like sharp knives.

On the other hand, Reynolds grinned lightly and nodded his head.

John walked down the smooth aisle, out the large door, and left the Life Church without delay.

At that moment, Robb walked over to Bishop Reynolds and asked as he watched John leave the building in anger.

"Father Reynolds, why did you lie to him? The Life Potion is only worth 40 gold coins, right?"

"I did that for a reason, child. Archbishop Royce once ordered me to buy that land if an opportunity arose. I don't even know the details. But there is one thing I am sure of. If we miss this opportunity, we will never get another one. Did you hear his cold tone? That child is so pissed right now. Hehe, a cornered hatchling will always act recklessly."

Reynolds patted Robb on the shoulder as he said those words and turned his attention to Eve.


Meanwhile, John hurriedly left the Life Church and headed towards El Street, a mile from the Church of Life. While walking, he glanced at the game interface and noticed that the timer had changed from 2 minutes to 4 hours.

'As I expected, this system is not omniscient. If I'm not wrong, it predicted the time using basic information and turned it into an in-game quest. There is a high possibility that the system is analyzing every event that appears around me. But this is just my guess, though.'

He shook his head, looked at the main Quest window, and saw another notification.

[Main Mission: Escape from the Red Masked Assassin, James.]

[Quest Content: On June 5, 6396, of the Second Secret Era, you and your mother were kidnapped by a mysterious assassin in a red mask and are now held in an unknown underground prison. Find a way to escape this masked assassin and then determine the reason for this kidnapping.]

[Mission accomplished!]

[Quest Reward: 500 Exp.]

'500 Experience points! That's good.'

As he looked at the tall mansion in the other part of the city, he couldn't help but furrow.

'James and his lackeys must have seen the trail of blood. They will follow it. But they would never dare to enter the Life Church.'

He muttered under his breath and walked towards El Street, putting the silver dagger on his belt and the sheath.

After a few minutes, John reached El Street and searched for his house.

'45 El Street.'

Walking along the dusty dirt road, John passed by numerous one- and two-story buildings, each telling its own story. Eventually, he stood before an imposing two-story house, its grandeur commanding attention.

This particular house stood apart from the others, constructed entirely from new white granite rocks. Its gleaming exterior radiated a timeless beauty, showcasing the meticulous craftsmanship that had gone into its creation. The house was enclosed within a sturdy concrete wall, standing at a height of approximately one meter. This protective barrier created a sense of privacy, and within its confines lay a sprawling lawn, offering a serene and inviting space.

Stepping through the entrance gate into the courtyard, John's gaze swept over the landscape. Delicate ornamental flower trees were thoughtfully placed on either side, adding splashes of color and charm to the surroundings. He approached the entrance door with a key in hand, obtained from a nearby pillar, unlocking it with a confident twist.

As the door swung open, he stepped into the house, his eyes instinctively drawn to the right side wall. Reaching out, his fingers found a long thread dangling from the ceiling. Grasping it firmly, he pulled it down, setting a sequence of events into motion.

Within seconds, a mesmerizing transformation unfolded. Several candles positioned strategically throughout the house ignited one by one, their warm glow filling the space with radiant yellow light. The soft flickering of the flames cast dancing shadows upon the walls, infusing the building with a welcoming and comforting ambiance. The house was now bathed in a gentle luminosity, inviting all who entered to bask in its inviting glow.

'Are these Magic Lamps or Magic Candles?'

He furrowed his brow, sniffed the air, and shifted his attention toward his clothes. At that moment, he noticed that his face, hands, and clothes were completely drenched in blood, emitting a scent everywhere.

'No good! If the enemy comes here, they will easily find me, even in the dark.' His face turned solemn.

He hurriedly headed for the closet, grabbed a tight black shirt and trousers, and headed to the bathroom.

Three minutes later, he walked out of the bathroom in brand-new clothes and began looking everywhere for the documents.

There was no recollection of these documents in Charles' memory, which complicated his work. But as a skilled assassin and thief, he searched important places and soon found a suitcase in the wardrobe.

It wasn't some elaborate suitcase with a lock, so John quickly opened it.

Two separate documents, filled with complex letters, appeared in his sight.

John opened them and began to read one page after another.

Although the words appeared unfamiliar, he didn't face any problem reading.

But after a few seconds, his expression turned grim.

'The house document and the land document... Both of them are one? If I want to sell the 23 hectares of land, do I have to sell this house first? Otherwise, the sale would become invalid?' Upon further inspection of the documents, he discovered it was due to ancestral property protection legislation made by the Arc Kingdom!

After skimming through the document, Charles learned that the first owner of this house requested the Arc Kingdom Royals and made such a complex document.

'But why did the first owner create a complex document?'

He frowned.

'What's so special about that land? This Bishop is eyeing 23 hectares of land. And judging by Charles's memories, Eve also seemed to have predicted that buying that land would greatly benefit her. What is this Bishop scheming?' A confused look appeared on his face, followed by realization.

'Wait... He might be after this house!'

A thought flashed through his mind.

'Perhaps! What if the first owner hid something in this house? Maybe a secret treasure?' Although it would be too good to be true, Charles didn't want to miss any opportunity.

'Hmm, I need to have a long chat with Eve later.'

He folded the two documents and was about to put them in his pocket but stopped.

He suddenly felt a slight vibration from the ground, followed by running footsteps from outside.

It was as if 10 to 20 people were running towards his house.

If it were before, he wouldn't have noticed it.

But his perception improved to another level after he got the [Sixth Sense] skill!

'It must be James and his lackeys.'

With a swift and practiced motion, John unsheathed his gleaming silver dagger, its polished surface catching the light. Springing into action, he propelled himself upwards, his body soaring gracefully through the air. His hand moved deftly towards the ceiling, executing a fluid and precise movement as he aimed to sever the connection thread holding the magic lamp.

The instant his dagger made contact, a series of events unfolded. The enchanting glow emanating from the magic candles began to wane, gradually dimming one by one. Within moments, darkness descended upon the entire building, shrouding it in an impenetrable veil of obscurity.

Amid this sudden darkness, a notification materialized before John's eyes, capturing his attention. 

The words glowed in an ethereal font, presenting him with a chain quest titled "Blood for Blood." 

[Chain Quest: Blood for Blood

A mysterious kidnapper named James followed the blood trials and hired 12 professional assassins to kill you. Someone has exposed your personal information to the enemy.

1. Find the spy who sold you - Reward: 100 Experience points.

2. Survive the upcoming ordeal - Reward: 300 Experience points.

3. Kill the Red-Masked James - Reward: 500 Experience points.

Deadline for completing the assignment: 1 hour.]

'Oh? A new mission? Moreover, a spy, huh? Who could it be? Bishop? Tsk, I'll ask him personally once I finish off these assassins.'

Muttering inwardly, he shifted his attention toward the game interface and clicked his tongue.

'Tsk, I thought of saving some experience points to select the main class, but I'll have to wait a while.'

He sighed heavily and added 150 experience points to the Trickster subclass.


[150 Exp deduced from the host!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You are a Level 2 Trickster!]

[1 Free Attribute Point Rewarded!]

[20 skill points rewarded!]


'Hmm, 225 experience for the next level. Luckily, I still have 400 more experience.'

Nodding, he spent another 225 exp points on the subclass and leveled up.


[225 Exp deduced from the host!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You are a Level 3 Trickster!]

[1 Free Attribute Point Rewarded!]

[20 skill points rewarded!]


'Looks good. My HP has increased as well!'

He nodded thoughtfully and added one attribute point to strength and another to dexterity.

He then added 19 skill points to the [Dark Vision] skill and the remaining 21 to the [Sixth Sense] skill.

[The Sixth Sense Skill has reached its peak!]

An electric shock swept through John's brain as he felt a change in his surroundings.

In the next instant, his senses sharpened to another level.

A cold glint appeared in his eyes as he gripped the dagger's hilt and headed to the kitchen.

'It's better to make some extra preparations.'

Once he reached the kitchen, he took a few knives, returned to the reception room, and waited for the intruders to arrive.
