Edhen World

Chapter 9: Edhen World

Ethan stood silently on the Execution Platform for a while and sighed heavily,

"I will compensate for your loss, Charles. After an hour, you can go to Riverdale's Amber Bank and get 1,000 gold coins. As for the other request, you can use this." Saying so, he took out a red badge, threw it toward Charles, and then added,

"This is the City Lord's Token. With this, you can get into Riverdale's Wisdom Library easily. There are over 200,000 books stored in the Wisdom Library; you can read all you want for the next six months."

Once he said those words, he turned around, went near the staircase, and stepped down from the execution platform.

After that, he glared at Bishop Reynolds and walked away from City Square.

Meanwhile, Bishop Reynolds let out a bitter laugh and commented,

"He outplayed me."

He went towards the dark alley without minding the citizens' suspicious gazes and soon disappeared from there.

In the meantime, Charles glanced at the massive crowd from the execution platform and sighed in relief.

'I already offended the City Lord. But I don't have any other choice.' He was well aware of City Lord's strength.

Ethan Walker, a Rank 3 Expert Swordsman. If Ethan had gotten serious, he could have trampled Charles on the spot and killed him in mere seconds. If Bishop hadn't intervened earlier, Charles knew he would've been beaten brutally in front of a large crowd. Thankfully, he survived the first ordeal.

'My name is already spoiled. It would be a little difficult for us to live in this city. Even though I proved to everyone that I was an innocent bystander, the citizens would never believe my words. I'm nothing but a ruthless serial killer in their eyes. But I've no choice but to live here till I become a powerful Mystic like Bishop or Ethan. Until then, I must keep a low profile and act cautiously.' He muttered to himself. After that, he glanced around and stepped down from the execution platform.

Meanwhile, Riverdale citizens dispersed after City Lord's speech and went on their way.

Charles didn't stay near the execution platform and went towards Ivy Street, where Life Church was.

After a few minutes of walking, he arrived in front of the dome-shaped building and walked through the narthex.

"It's good to see you again, Charles." A silver-haired guy held a spear in his right hand at the entrance and greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Hunt."

Charles nodded, walked past him, and approached the Nave.

He stepped on the smooth aisle and soon arrived at the Goddess Nira's statue.

Gasps and whispers echoed from behind as the devotees noticed his arrival, but he didn't look at them. Instead, he looked into Goddess Nira's beautiful blue eyes, closed his eyes, and started praying.

In truth, he had already started acting like how the real Charles would react in this situation.

After a few seconds of silent prayer, he opened his eyes, bent his waist slightly, and bowed his head toward the statue.

After that, he recited a usual short incantation and moved toward the front pew.

It was Charles's regular habit.

Although he felt little discomfort when praying to an unknown Goddess, he didn't put much thought into it.

Casting those useless thoughts away, he sat on the front pew and closed his eyes again.

Countless memories of John Browning and Charles's remnant memories appeared before his eyes, followed by questions.

'How did I transmigrate into this magical world? No! This world has a name. It's called Edhen. A world filled with magical and mysterious powers. Am I able to go back to Earth? Even if I did go back, who is there for me?' He furrowed his brows and began to think deeply about his future.

'First, I need to accept Charles's identity wholly. Then, I will think of a suitable job for me. Assassin? No, I don't want to be an assassin in this life. If I choose to walk on the dark path, I will be hunted down by the 13 Lawful Churches one day.'

He was a person who lived his life in the darkness and had grown sick of that life. Killing someone wasn't a problem, but he feared getting addicted to that feeling.

'These 13 Churches are the main pillars of this world. No, there were only 12 Churches in this world a few centuries ago, but a new God ascended to the Divine Throne during the last planar war. He is the mysterious Sun God, whose real name is still unknown. After his ascension, he killed three Chaotic Foreign Gods and forced five foreign Gods out of the planet. After that, he proposed a mutual alliance between Lawful Gods of Edhen and Maintained the Peace of this world.' After reading the information from Charles's memory, he was amazed by the mysterious Sun God.

'Well, he didn't seem to be a bad guy. Moreover, he is biased toward Fire mages. It must have something to do with his Sun God title.' He nodded in his mind.

'After the last Planar Invasion, all the 13 Churches became wary of the Foreign Gods. Hmm, I don't want to be on their bad side. I also don't want to go and kill citizens randomly to get Experience points. But to increase my strength, I need to think of another way of killing.' Indeed, there were no monsters like Goblins, Orcs, and Kobolds out there to get exp points. To earn exp, he must kill humans in large numbers. Although some strange monsters like mutated Beasts were there, they mainly resided in dense forests or unexplored lands.

'Moreover, they seem very powerful and terrifying; some can even destroy towns and cities. Alas, they are too few.' Even Charles learned that from the books only!

But he also knew that going around and killing random citizens would get him into deep trouble.

Charles got a headache when pondering about the unknown future.

'I will think about it later.' he shook his head and sat silently for five minutes.

After that, he stood up and walked to the left side of the building. Some nuns and a priestess dressed in blue robes were sitting near the entrance and seemed to be talking about the frequent sightings of the 'Shadow killers' and 'Sinful Demon.'

Charles quickly looked around and soon saw a woman with deep blue hair and olive skin lying on a wooden bench in the opposite corner.

He approached the bench and checked her pulse rate.

After a minute, he nodded and sat on the wooden stool placed beside the wooden bench.

'Mother, huh? What a strange fate.' He sighed and looked at the slightly wrinkled woman's face for a second. In truth, his original mother's and father's faces had long disappeared from his mind. Only vague memories of his parents appeared.

'Although I lost my parents long ago, I can't replace their position with any stranger. Alas, I can now think of her as my new guardian.' He nodded thoughtfully.

He stayed near her for the next two hours and quietly walked out of the Life Church.

A few minutes later, Charles arrived in front of a small two-storied building at Gold Street and entered.

It was Riverdale City's Amber Bank.

He soon went to the reception counter and informed the receptionist about his visit to the bank. The bank officer was a black-haired male employee with big eyes. He wore a white shirt, red tie, pants, and formal black shoes.

"You are that Charles?"

The bank officer's attitude turned colder as he learned his identity.

A frown appeared on Charles's forehead as he heard the bank officer's question.

But he didn't dare to make a fuss. Instead, he nodded his head and remained silent.

After checking a few documents, the bank officer told him to wait in the reception hall and moved to the second floor through a spiral staircase.

On the other hand, Charles sat on the nearby chair and waited patiently.

Thirty minutes later, the same officer returned from the second floor and asked him to follow him.

With a nod of understanding, Charles rose from his seat and trailed behind the bank officer, matching his steps. Together, they ascended to the second floor using the same spiral staircase, steadily making their way upwards.

Before long, they reached a large wooden door marking the end of their ascent. It stood proudly before them, its polished surface emanating a sense of grandeur and importance. Yet, what immediately caught Charles's eye was not the door itself but a captivating portrait adorning its surface.

The portrait depicted a slender woman, her image intricately drawn upon the wooden canvas. Her features were elegant and refined, befitting of a regal presence. She donned a resplendent golden tunic dress, further accentuating her noble stature. As Charles studied the portrait closely, he couldn't help but notice the woman's undeniable air of authority. She exuded an aura of regality, appearing more like an empress than an ordinary individual.

However, what truly mesmerized Charles was the crown adorning the woman's head. Unlike any other crown he had ever seen, it possessed a unique charm that set it apart. It seemed crafted from a vibrant red gem, radiating an enchanting glow illuminating the entire portrait. The intricate design and the gemstone's brilliant hue combined create a captivating masterpiece.

At that moment, Charles couldn't help but furrow his brow, intrigued by the presence of this exceptional crown.

"You don't recognize Lady Myer's portrait?" A female voice came from the other side, causing Charles's eyebrows to rise.

'Bank Manager? Did she have the ability to see through objects?'

"The door is open." She added from the other side.

Meanwhile, Charles nodded as he pushed open the door and walked in.

The room was relatively small, measuring 12 feet by 18 feet. As Charles entered, his attention was immediately drawn to the left side of the room, where a beautifully decorated work table was placed. It seemed to be meticulously arranged with various objects, giving off an aura of creativity and purpose.

In the center of the room, two comfortable sofas were arranged facing each other. They provided a cozy spot for relaxation or conversation. The cushions were neatly arranged, inviting anyone to take a seat and enjoy the comfort they offered.

Above, a small chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a warm yellow glow that illuminated the room. The soft light created a welcoming ambiance, adding a touch of elegance to the surroundings.

One of the sofas was occupied by a slim young woman dressed in a vibrant red peplum dress. She was engrossed in a book, completely absorbed in the world within its pages. Her appearance was striking - she had long, silvery hair that cascaded down her back, catching the light mesmerizingly. Her body had a graceful pear shape, and her face, pale and delicate, exuded a sense of mystery. Her eyes were reminiscent of the vast ocean, captivating and deep, while her nose had a sharp and distinctive shape resembling a hawk's.

After two seconds, she closed the book and turned to Charles.

She then stared at him for a few seconds, crossed her long smooth legs, and introduced herself with a smile.

"I'm Bella Collins, Riverdale's Amber Bank manager."

Charles got confused by her smile but showed no emotions and responded calmly.

"I'm Charles Miller, a Riverdale Citizen, Ma'am."

Upon hearing his calm voice, Bella Collins narrowed her eyes and added while pointing her finger toward the opposite sofa,

"Please have a seat."

Meanwhile, Charles nodded and sat comfortably on it.

Both didn't speak for a while and maintained a long silence.

While in silence, Charles first cast the [Inspect] skill on her.

[Inspect (40) skill has been used…]

[Wisdom Check…]

[Inspect Failed!]

'She is a Mystic.' He muttered inwardly. Mystic was the term players and normal NPCs used to call the ranked NPCs.

"What do you want from me, Ma'am?" John stared into her pure silvery eyes and asked after a minute of silence.

Bella pressed her plump red lips together and gave him a bunch of documents.

"We are sorry for doing this. But we don't have the power to oppose the order from the higher-ups." She said. He felt a sense of pity in her tone. Yes, not sadness, but just pity towards an unfortunate man.

Charles took the documents with both hands and read them one by one.

'If I want to get the 1000 gold coins from Amber Bank, I must sign all these documents. But the documents-' As Charles skimmed through the documents, his lips started to twitch uncontrollably.

'Once I put my sign in all these documents, it will be like cutting my ties with Riverdale's Amber Bank. I will be on their blocklist forever.' Charles would have signed it willingly if it was any other bank.

'But, there is only one bank in Riverdale. Moreover, this bank belongs to Amber Church. If I sign this contract, it will be more like offending Goddess of Wealth Zephine.' A grim look appeared on Charles's face.

'Someone is planning to isolate me. Who is it? Life Church?' He paused in surprise for a few seconds and soon snorted inside.

He could tell that someone was pulling strings from behind the scenes.

'And the one pulling the string might not be Ethan Walker.' He frowned.

'Whoever pulls strings must be on the same level as Ethan Walker. And the only person who came to my mind in this Riverdale City is Bishop Reynolds. But why is he doing this? Is this way of him expressing his anger?' The frown on his forehead deepened.

He leaned back on the soft sofa and closed his eyes.

'Ethan Walker? Or Bishop Reynolds?... Or is there another hidden enemy aiming for my head? Nightwind Family? No, I don't think so. If they had planned on scheming, they would have sent a Rank-2 assassin or above to kill us earlier. Martin is the one who is after my head, not the entire Nightwind family. There is also the Royal Mage I need to be wary of. Tsk, I must find out what is hidden in our house first.' He shook his head and shifted his attention toward the current problem.

'Still, does the enemy think I won't dare to offend a Goddess?' He curled his lips upward and opened his cold deep-blue eyes.

He then took the quill pen and ink bottle from Bella Collins and started signing those documents individually.

"A-Are you sure about your decision? Your current action will be more like offending the whole Amber Church. No, it will be like you are offending Our Divine Lady!" Bella stared at John in confusion for a second and warned him.

Her earlier composed expression was nowhere to be seen. Her face was filled with anxiety and confusion. She didn't even consider that a random commoner boy would be willing to offend the Goddess of Wealth.

Charles didn't stop his hand movement as he heard her words and signed those documents individually. After 30 seconds, he finished signing the last document and stopped the quill pen. He then gave the document bundles, quill pen, and ink bottle to Bella Collins and replied calmly,

"You gave the choices, and I chose the best one."

A deep sigh leaked out of Bella Collins's mouth as she stared at Charles in puzzlement.

She then shook her head and passed ten golden cards to Charles.

"Each card has 100 gold coins credited to it. You can directly withdraw the amount in any Lawful Church."

Charles took the cards from Bella's hand and stood up from his seat. He then moved to the wooden door and added,

"You will regret your foolish decision."

After that, he closed the wooden door and left the Amber Bank.

Meanwhile, Bella Collins stared at the wooden door with a stunned expression on her face and asked,

"Did you expect this outcome, Lucas?"

Her shadow moved and soon formed into a black-hooded figure a heartbeat later.

He was Bella's bodyguard!

Lucas's face was covered entirely in a black mask with an eye symbol, and he appeared more like a skilled assassin.

"I didn't, Milady. But he is a foolish one. He didn't know that offending the 'Divine One' meant offending the 'Wealth' itself. Although I respect his courageous act, he is still the foolish one. Without wealth, he will die of starvation one day." Lucas said while shaking his hooded head.

"He is a foolish one, huh? From his perspective, we seem to have made a foolish decision." Bella said with a frown and asked after a short pause.

"Did you find out any news about that intellectual artifact? A-035, is it?"

"No, Milady. But I got an interesting clue when searching about it. And it coincidentally related to this kid."

Upon hearing Lucas's words, Bella's silvery eyes widened.

"You mean this Charles Miller?" She asked.

"Yes, Milady." Lucas nodded.

"Explain everything in detail," Bella ordered, turning her face seriously.

In the meantime, Lucas raised his hand, stared into Bella's eyes, and responded.

"A-035 has some relationship with the first owner of 45 El Street, Milady. And, the current owner of this house is Eve Miller."

Bella's expression froze for a moment, and soon she asked.

"Who is the first owner?"

"Eddie Nightwind. He is the founder of the Nightwind family and also a Legend-Rank powerhouse. On August 8th of the year 5280, he gave the A-035 to Lady Myers and went to look for the Myth Tree in the Endless Ocean. But to this day, we never heard any news about him." Lucas said in a solemn tone.

"Endless Sea, huh?" Bella went silent for a moment and added,

"Keep an eye on Charles. We need to re-check the information about A-035. If the information we got from the 'Mr. Black' is right; the A-035 will appear in this Riverdale city sooner. It might find a suitable host to escape from our grasp. Before that, we have to capture it. Those intelligent artifacts are always troublesome bunches."

Once she finished her words, Bella opened the golden-covered book and started reading.

Meanwhile, Lucas nodded his head, turned into clouds of black smoke, and disappeared from there.