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Important Information

Chapter 103: Important Information

Charles stared at Leo in silence and soon started to ponder.

'Why did he kidnap Noel?' He was still confused by Leo's action. In truth, he already planned to visit him in a day or two and steal his memory using the 'talking' method.

'Moreover, I actually thought of letting him live after stealing the selective information and stay hidden for the next few months. I know that killing him without any reason will cause unnecessary suspicions. There is also a possibility that Leo's supportive nobles might take it to the extreme and asks for the Tower Mages' help to find the real culprit. I may have some ability to fool normal Mystics, but I'm not sure about those Mages from the Tower of Elements. Thankfully, this fool did a great job and came here to give his life and memories.'

"Why did you kidnap Noel?" Charles asked in a puzzled tone.