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Strange Red Gem

Chapter 113: Strange Red Gem

"What the f*ck did I witness just now?" Even Brooks got stunned for a second and muttered in a shocked tone. After a second, he waved his hand, broke the past vision illusion, and soon returned to the current time.

"That guy is not normal at all." Jeff wiped the sweat on his forehead and said in a nervous tone.

"Let's get the hell out of here." Julia also nodded her head in agreement and said. Then, they hurriedly woke up the Duke, told him about the past incident, and soon walked out of the secret treasure room!


Meanwhile, in the old man's appearance, Charles walked out of 11C Orchard Street and went to the Mystic Borough. He walked past many robed mages, security guards and soon arrived in front of the entrance gate of the Tower of Elements.