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Framing Others

Chapter 123: Framing Others

In Professor Robert's appearance, Charles stealthily walked out of 11C Orchard Street while covering his head with a black hood and went to the South Borough's Main Street.

Following that, he made a few turns and soon entered the Slum Borough.

His next destination was Groove Street!

That's where he 'coincidentally' met the blonde-haired man!

Within a few minutes, Charles soon arrived at the place where he saw the blonde-haired man a day ago and noticed that the street was bustling with life.

Many roadside stalls were still open, and the shopkeepers were selling packed foods, fruits, and dresses while shouting here and there.

Charles even saw some customers arguing with shopkeepers over the price and felt amused.

He watched their arguments in a daze and soon bumped into a grey-robed man.

He had short whirly blonde hair, fair skin, monolid hazel eyes, and a heart-shaped face!