Class and Rank Information

Class-Gem Path:

Rank-1 to 9. (I may extend the Rank in the future, guys. As for the empty ones, I haven't thought of the right class names yet. I also didn't write MC's future class names in this list.)

Trickster→ Disguiser→ Mischievous Man→ Shape-Shifter→ Cloner→ Two-Facer → Faceless One→????→????.

Deceiver→ Cheater→ Swindler→ Mind Puppeteer→ Deciteful Man→ Conspirator→ Wicked Man→ Stringer of Emotions→ Evil One.

Thief→ Assassin→ Rogue → Shadow Walker → Dark Man→ Shadow Weaver→ True Darkness→ Ruler of the Shadows→ Dark Lord.

Teacher→ Instructor→ Lecturer→ Professor→ Sage→ Wiser One→ Wisdom Stealer→ Wisdom Lord→ Ruler of Knowledge and Wisdom

Apprentice Warrior→ Warrior→Fighter→Blood Warrior→ Braver→Legionnaire→ Warlord→Champion of the Horde→Ancient Conqueror.

Ranger→ Bowman→ Arcane Archer→ Hawkeye → Ranger of the Wilds→ Elemental Bow→ Windwhisperer→ Celestial Eye→Divine Ranger.

Knight→ Holy Knight→ Paladin→ Inquisitor→ Deacon→ Radiant Defender→Holy Warden→ Celestial Crusader→ Divine Knight.

Blade Wielder→ Sword Dancer→ Blood Swordsman→ Master Swordsman→ True Blade→Sword Saint→ Sacred Sword→ Edge Lord →Sword God.

Green Shaman→ Nature's Child→ Tamer→ Druid→ Nature's Guardian→ Woodland Sage→ Spirit Walker→ Celestial Druid→ God of Nature.

Clerk→ Priest→ Bishop→ Archbishop→ Cardinal→ Pope→ Saint→ Apostle of God→ Last Seraph.

Poet→ Versemaker→ Bard→ Mystic Poet→ Poetaster→ Meistersinger→ Archbard →Sage of Song →God of Music.

Mad Killer→ Berserker→ Barbarian→ Brute Warrior→ Raged Man→Furyborn→ Maniacal Mauler→ Corrupt Guardian→God of Madness.

Artisan→ Maker→ Rune Smith→ Artificer→ Wonder Discoverer→ Truth Finder→ Rune Creator or Series Creator→ Divine Hand→ God of Runes

Killer→ Murderer→ Avenger→ Punisher→ Evil Cleanser→ Red Saint→ Angel of Grey→ Grim Reaper→ Soul King.

Astrologer→ Prognosticator→ Watcher→ Fate Warden→ Fate Arbiter→ Puppeteer→ Puppet Master→ Destiny Watcher→ Red Prince

Psychologist→ Telepathist→ Mesmerist→ Mind Manipulator→ Thoughts Creator→ Mind Controller→ Soul Singer→ Soul Creator→ Mind God.

Dreamer→ Traveler→ Dream Walker→ Dream Weaver→ Dream Creator→ Dream Lord→ Imaginary Lord→ Reality Twister→ Miracle Bringer

Seer→ Vision Reader→ Seeker of Time, → Wise Seer→ True Seer→ Future Controller→ Real Predictor→ Time Manipulator→ Angel of Time.

Soldier→ Elite Man→ Guardian→ Noble Lord→ The King→ The Emperor→ Ruler of the World→ Controller of the Living→ Faith Seeker.

Apprentice Fire Mage→ Fire Weaver→ Ember Wizard→ Blaze Sorcerer→ Pyromancer→ Fire Mage→ Ember Arch-wizard→ Inferno Archon→ Crimson Paragon.

Sailor→ Storm Bringer→ Whisper of the Sea→ Master Sailor→ Storm Lord→ Doom Bringer→ Thunder's Child→ Ruler of the Sea→ Thunder God.

Learner→ Reader→ True Wiser→ Knowledge Seeker→ Observer of Secrets→ Eye of Thousands→ Divine Mind→ Collector of Secrets→ Secret God.

Apprentice Death Mage→ Necromancer→ Black Wizard→ Death Mage→ Sorcerer of the Dead→ Death Summoner→ Lord of the Dead→ Angel of Death→ Overlord.

Blood Manipulator→ Blood Sucker→ Scarlet Knight→ Blood Duke→Siren→Red Enchantress→Origin Nemisis→Red Queen→ Blood Diety.

Space Observer→ Blinker→ Spatial Mage→ Space Traveler→ Reality Warper→ Plane Walker→ Void Lifeform→ Infinite Being→ Beyonder.

Criminal→ Prisoner→ Lunatic→ Mad Man→ Chaos Maker→ Chaos Angel→ Half-Devil→ Abomination→ True Devil.

Historian→ Explorer→ Seeker→ Quest Finder→ Mystery Man→ Memorable One→ Past Knower→ Universal Explorer→ Origin Seeker.

Imp→ Lesser One→ Demonized Man→ Sinful Demon→ Unseen Servant→ Fiend Warlock→ Successor of the Abyss→ Chaos Demon→ True Blood Fiend.

Healer→ Noble Priest→ Advisor→ Life Seeker→ Fierce Light→ Brilliant Shadow→ Everlasting Immortal→ Life Creator→ White Angel.

Shadow Killer→ Shadow Guard→ Phantom Stringer→ Phantom Devil→ Twilight Whisperer→ Veil Warden→ Night Spectre→ Abyssal Revenant→ Voidwalker. 


Rank-1 → Common Rank.

Rank-2 → Uncommon Rank.

Rank-3 → Expert Rank

Rank-4 → Extraordinary Rank

Rank-5 → Pseudo-Legendary Rank

Rank-6 → Legendary Rank

Rank-7 → Demi-God 

Rank 8 → Low God

Rank-9 → Mid-God

Rank-10 → High God 

Total Paths-

Class-Gem pathway

→ Fake Origin Path

→ Inner Class-Gem path

→ Outer Class-Gem Path

→ Mage Class-Gem Path

Forbidden Pathway 

→Divine Path

→Warlock Path

→Ancient Mage Path

[Taboo Existences- An entity who reached the peak Rank or someone from the Age of Origin Time.

Irregulars- Anyone who could change their own Fate during the mortal stage is called Irregular.]

Types of Era in the Universe-

The Age of Origin Time- Before 100,000 years

The Era of Past Time- 100,000 → 25,000 years

The Era of New Time- 25,000 → Current time.


Types of Era in Edhen World

Ancient Era- Before 13,000 years

First Arcane Era- 13,000 → 6,396 Years

Second Arcane Era (Era of Divines) - 6,396 Years→ Current Time.


Affinity Levels









(That's it, guys. Feel free to comment and let me know about this class table. And, I hadn't started writing class names for mage classes yet. I will add that later once I complete it.)