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Churches' scheme

Chapter 146: Churches' scheme

For the first time, a smile appeared on Ashley's face.

"That's where thing became interesting, Your Highness. After the assassination incident, a few Churches like Wisdom Church, Storm Church, Amber Church, Day and Night Church, and Truth Church took that as an opportunity to interfere and blamed the nobles and the royal factions for their cowardly act."

"Not only that, but they even told them that if they do something like that again, the Churches will interfere more fiercely and might do a large scale inquisition on the Nobles and Royal faction members. After that, Churches also made a big announcement saying that they are going to select one person as the rightful King from all the remaining children of King Edgar." She deliberated for a moment and then added.

"They said that only those who first complete the mission issued by the Churches will get the right to become the next monarch."