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Chapter 169: Departure

June 11th Morning, Strangers Street, Helm Ville.

It was around 10. A.M.

A group of four kids, an old man, and one skinny adult woman stood at the entrance of a single-storied house. All of them appeared to be well-dressed and seemed to be waiting for someone.

A few minutes later, a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage came from the opposite direction and soon stopped in front of the opened fence gate. The carriage appeared rather polished in brown paint, while the horses looked healthy and appeared white.

As the wheels made a screeching noise, a 25 year old young came jumped down from the driver seat and bowed his head towards Charles and the kids.

He was the renting house agent, Finn.

Yesterday, Charles personally went to his house and asked him to arrange a good carriage at the cost of 50 gold coins.