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Chapter 171: Prophecy

On the other hand, Charles cast [Knowledge Absorber] skill on the grey-haired man but was disappointed.

'It's a secret knowledge about the location of Rank-4 wind spell model...' He shook his head and cast [Burning Thoughts] again.

Then, he directly took out the new long sword from his space ring and slashed it towards his neck.

But before his sword could reach his neck, the old man's head and body exploded all of a sudden.

After that, the reddish flesh, blood, bones, and brain matters directly fell from the sky and splashed on the tree leaves and the ground.

'He self-detonated?'

Charles clicked his tongue and turned his gaze towards the stupefied black-haired man.

An unknown fear rose from the depths of the black-haired man's heart.

The battle between Charles and the grey-haired old man took only three seconds!