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Chapter 207: Ivy

August 30th, Year 6400, Second Arcane Era.

It was around 8 P.M.

Charles stood in an underground basement hall and stared at a large cubical glass tank filled with strange bluish liquid.

The glass tank was actually an artificial womb filled with unique life nutrients and organic catalysts.

Inside the glassy tank, a white-haired human was floating in the bluish liquid. His face was wrinkled, and he appeared to be around 70-years-old. His eyes were shut entirely and remained motionless like a corpse.

But what made it unique about this body was strange reddish circles appeared all around it!

There were thousands of runal magic circles inscribed all over the clone's skin and appeared very mysterious.

Not only on the clone's body, but the glass artificial womb tank, the concrete floor, the surrounding walls, and even the entrance gate were inscribed with unique runal letters.